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Ezekiel jumps up and checks on everyone

Ezekiel: Yo look

Ezekiel points at a large majestic looking building piercing the clouds with a quarter of all the walls being red, white, green, or black.

Aura: That building is kinda ugly...

Mateo: Ya know while you were asleep, we were all trying to ask you a question.

Bon: Why are you so tall?

Ezekiel: Uhhh genetics, I don't know why y'all weren't asking questions like how did we get a colony on the moon or how we breathe that high up in the air 

Mateo: Well I did when did summoning magick get invented.

Ezekiel: Summoning magick well at least the one used to create the air bubble on the moon was invented in 1872 by a guy named Future or something like that.

Bon in a bossy tone: Ezekiel focus what is that building.

Ezekiel: Huh? Oh that is the palace, we are in Tydlocko, Tydskrag, this is the capital.

Aura: Where's the cities and stuff.

Grondkrag: Oh yeah we forgot, do you consent to a change in your DNA?

Aura: Yeah sure.

Bon: If Aura's doing it I will too.

Mateo: I have literally nothing to lose.

The two agents appear behind the three kids and a hand is placed on each of their backs.

Grondkrag: Through shadows will the power of the bright make thy see what can't the blind can't, fear the light make it bright use the spell for the good and right bring back the power of sight create a pass from the shadows within allow thee to agree.

In the mouths of Aura, Bon and Mateo there was a quick flash of green, red, black, and white and then the same happened in their eyes, the kids eyes grew in amazement as they realized before they could see they were touching a building that just couldn't be touched or seen or the people.

Bon: Wait how come you didn't get hit by the buildings?

Ezekiel: It's simple really we disabled it so we would pass through the buildings and people.

Grondkrag: My prince we forgot to give you something, your mother said to give it to you when we find you.

007 hands Ezekiel a necklace and when Ezekiel put it on.

Ezekiel: Ouch it just stabbed me.

The cross fills with blood and Ezekiel's left eye turns gold and Ezekiel zones out.

Ezekiel's mind: Hey kiddo! Who are you? Well that isn't anyway to greet someone, I thought Max would teach you better. Please don't bring up my Dad, he was an amazing man who would never harm me, answer my question: Who are you? Just call me uhmmmm Deon yeah Deon Tyd basically I am you but better like I know the fact that there is an alarming amount of hollow cherry blossom trees and it would be in your best interest to go check that out. Anyways I basically can unlock your body's potential like right now I am going to just ya know unlock your wings now, don't worry everyone has a me ju- Can you be quiet and let me think, you talk entirely too much. Fine bossy

Ezekiel twitches as his back starts to itch and then black wings sprout from out his back causing feathers to rain from the sky.


Grondkrag attacks Ezekiel sending him into the air bleeding, Ezekiel starts to cry.


Mateo: Through burning powers and raging life bring me the one who I deam not to die.

Ezekiel is transported to Mateo's feet, Mateo bends down to pick up Ezekiel as Ezekiel's eyes turn gold.


Ezekiel puts his hand out and yells 

Ezekiel: With shining light and evergrowing life through red and purple repulsive green.

A small green energy sphere appears after grass, water, and air gather in Ezekiel's hand it starts to grow as Ezekiel launches it. 

Grondkrag: Wherever you go, the death of us shall follow.

The agents enveloped in the green energy as blood floods the ground and showers Ezekiel as Ezekiel's eyes return back to green.

Ezekiel: W... Wh... WHAT HAPPENED.

Ezekiel's group of friends stand in shock and horror.

Mateo: It's okay Ezekiel, you did it for a good reason.

Mateo walks over and hugs Ezekiel as Ezekiel lets the tears fall from his eyes.

Aura: In all 14 years of my life I have never seen such an amazing display of magick.

Ezekiel: What are you talking about?

Aura: Wait why are you crying?

Ezekiel: Because I learned about why my Mom gave me this necklace.

Bon: Tell us Ezekiel, jeez you talk so slow.

Ezekiel: It was t-

Bon: Speak up!

Ezekiel: It was to find people and to see if I was actually cursed.

Mateo: I'm tired.

Aura slams her hands on the ground and closes her eyes, and a catapult forms.

Aura: Everyone get in. Ezekiel can you pop out your wings?

Ezekiel's wings emerge from his back causing black feathers to rain from the sky and he gets in the catapult first, the Mateo, and Bon, then finally Aura as Aura launches them to the palace Ezekiel covers them using his wings.

Ezekiel: If I die I am going to haunt you.

Before Ezekiel hits the glass he is sent through a portal and lands in his Mom's room.

Mom: I missed you.

Ezekiel's mind: I am finally back home, but what is happening in Japan.

Ezekiel and his Mom hug as the sun sets outside the window.

Ezekiel's mind: Dad where are you. We need to go to Tokyo we need to meet the shifter. Just let me stay with my Mom. Sometimes you have to close a door to open a window. Just be quiet and let me be happy.

Ezekiel: I love you, Mom.

For the first time in quite a while, Ezekiel is happy.

Hey go check me out on Neobook there I have better punctuation and stuff my user is J Ivory

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