in his room

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Warning: self harm and suicide.


March 25th, 2015.

Zayn's gone.

The nurses found him last night, hanging from his bed. Apparently he propped his headboard and bed against the wall and tilted it up so it was far enough off the ground for him to off himself.  The boys aren't taking it well at all, but that's expected. I try to keep them all okay as much as I can, but Niall won't talk to anyone, Louis can't stop crying long enough to breathe, and Liam won't even blink.

Rest well, Zayn.

Harry. xx


Harry put his pen down with a sigh, casting his eyes around the library. A few people were in here - just a guy in the corner reading Pride and Prejudice for the second time, and a girl with glasses in the opposite corner holding a sketch book close to her chest. In one swift motion, Harry collected his pen and notebook - deciding to go for a walk.

He decided to stop by Niall's room to see how he was doing, make sure the boy was okay. He knew that out of all the boys, Niall was one of the most attached. I guess Zayn had that ability to break through Niall's anxiety and just make him feel normal again, so losing that has been a big blow to his recovery.

"Ni?" Harry called, knocking on the door softly. He heard shuffling from the other side and then saw the door open, revealing a crazy-haired Niall. "Hey, bub. How're you holding up?"

Niall played with the end of his sleeve, not meeting Harry's eyes.

"Hey, it's alright. Just me, Harry. Nothing to be nervous about, I just wanted to come by and see if you wanted to do something? Maybe play a board game?"

"Z-Zayn lov-ed bo-board g-g-games." Niall sniffled, letting out a small cry. He hid his face in his hands, crying into them. Harry bit his lip and mentally smacked himself. He decided to just lead the boy to his bed, tucking him under the covers.

"Rest a bit, yeah? I know this has been really hard on you. My door is always open for you, Niall. I mean it." He said with a nod, leaving a kiss on Niall's temple. He felt so bad for the blonde haired boy - he just wanted to make him feel better.

Harry collected his things again and headed for the door, closing it softly so he wouldn't disturb the boy. He debating whether or not he should go to Liam's room, but decided against it. Zayn and Liam were really close, he was the only person Liam had spoken to since he arrived at the hospital. Harry knew that Liam was going to need time to process this - and not even a day after it happened was not enough for the boy.

So he took a breath and walked next door to his own room, figuring he could just sit by his window and write for the remainder of the day - maybe even get a few songs down.

That was another thing Harry had come to do while he was here. Sometime in the beginning of March he sat down and started writing words down, but the longer he looked he started to realise that the words sounded more like song lyrics, so he had been going to the music room a couple times a week and writing down some notes to go along with the lyrics.

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