"maybe i'm better off dead"

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June 6th, 2015.

Louis walked down the hall, a wide smile plastered on his face. He was wearing one of Harry's sweaters that he requested the nurse bring him. It was only slightly oversized on him, and it made him look absolutely adorable.

His doctor had said he'd made such improvement the past week and a half that if he kept it up at that pace, he could possibly see himself leaving the hospital all together soon - a month or two at most

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His doctor had said he'd made such improvement the past week and a half that if he kept it up at that pace, he could possibly see himself leaving the hospital all together soon - a month or two at most. He was so excited to tell Harry, he knew the green eyed boy would be proud of him.

Turning the corner to the library, Louis was surprised with Niall, Liam, and a few other people huddled around an adorably home made 'Welcome Back, Louis' sign that was displayed across the window. Louis' face lit up once again, his eyes brimming with tears. Everyone in the room yelled collectively,

"We missed you!"

"I-I miss-ed you." Niall said with a smile once everyone had started to clear out. Louis wrapped his arms around him for a tight hug, doing the same to Liam.

"I missed you guys, too." Louis smiled, then looked around. "Where's—,"

"Garden. He wants you to meet him there." Sharon replied, nodding her head towards the doors. Louis gave her a warm smile and nodded, saying his goodbye's to everyone before he went outside to find his curly haired boyfriend.

"Harry?" Louis called out, walking towards the little spot where they had their first date. He was met with Harry clad in a black sweater and matching skinny jeans.

"Hi, beauty

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"Hi, beauty." Harry smiled, holding his arm out for Louis. "You look stunning."

"Hush," Louis blushed, shaking his head. "Mm, you're in quite the mood." He hummed with a smile, wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders. Their foreheads where flushed against each others, a smile delicately placed on their lips.

Better Off Dead // Larry AU ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now