"finally be enough"

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August 17th, 2015.

"I want you to call these numbers, yeah?" Ed told Harry, handing him a piece of paper.

"Um, why?" Harry raised his eyebrow, looking over the sheet.

"They're flats that the hospital owns. Find one you like and call to see if there's any available ones."

"Okay but– I mean, why?" He was still confused.

"Harry, you're getting out soon. Next week, if I can get all the paper work settled by then." Ed told him with a smile, watching the expression on Harry's face change.

"Really?" He gasped, shooting up from his chair. Ed laughed and nodded at him, "Oh my god! I have to go tell the lads!"

"Have fun, make sure you call them!" Ed warned him. Harry just waved him off, racing out of the room and down to the game room where Louis said they would be.

"Guys!" He yelled, out of breath.

"Christ, H." Liam yelped, not aware that the boy was there.

"What's wrong? You look... out of breath." Louis raised his eyebrow.

"I'm getting out soon! Ed said probably next week if he can get the paper work sorted out. I have to call these places to find an apartment and then get a job and I'll be in Uni and–" Harry was rambling, but he was so happy he couldn't help himself. Louis jumped up and hugged the boy, squeezing him as hard as he could.

"I'm so proud of you, Harry. I knew you could do it." He told him quietly, letting out a squeal when Harry picked him up and twirled him.

"This is amazing! I'll be able to live on my own and be happy." Harry gushed, pulling Niall into a bone-crushing hug. Louis watched the scene with a painful smile, knowing that he wouldn't be able to see Harry anymore.

"Can we talk?" Louis asked after Harry had hugged Liam. Harry nodded and raised his eyebrow, confused as to what the boy wanted to talk about. Louis grabbed Harry's hand and led him outside to the garden.

"What's wrong, Lou?" Harry asked, growing concerned.

"I just– I'm gonna miss you." He said quietly, playing with Harry's hand. "I'm so glad you're getting out, believe me I am, but I'm gonna miss you."

"You said Perrie said you'd be getting out soon too, right?" Harry asked, feeling hopeful still.

"Yeah, but that won't be for a month or two at most." Louis shook his head, tears forming. "I'm not at my target weight yet and they won't let me leave until I am."

"Lou, it's okay." Harry hugged the boy close, rubbing his back. "I'll get out, go to Uni and get a job, save up for an flat and then you can come live with me, you can finish Uni, get your own job, and we can live together."

"I'm gonna miss you so much." Louis whispered, clinging onto Harry.

Wordlessly, Harry pushed Louis back a little bit and unhooked the necklace he had been wearing since his nan gave it to him when he was ten. "Whenever you're sad or missing me, just hold this close to your heart and it'll be like I'm right here." He said, hooking the necklace around Louis' neck.

"Harry, I–" Louis tried to argue, knowing how much the necklace meant to him.

"No. I want you to have it. Plus, this means that you'll have to come back to me to return it." Harry took a deep breath, "I love you." He murmured, biting his lip nervously.

"I love you, too." Louis whispered back, tilting Harry's chin up so he could kiss him. Harry sighed into the kiss and pulled Louis into his lap, placing his hands on the boy's hips, rubbing then gently. "I love you so much, Harry." Louis mumbled into the kiss, tangling his fingers in Harry's growing hair.

Harry just moaned in response and held Louis closer, pulling him by his hips.

Louis tugged on Harry's hair to deepen the kiss when one of the nurses appeared. "Lunch time!"

"I can't wait until we live together." Harry groaned., falling back on the grass. Louis laughed and fell on top of Harry's chest.

"Why, so you can make me lunch that doesn't taste like cardboard half the time?" He teased, winking at Harry as he got up. Louis held onto the necklace as he waited for Harry to get up, running the cross over his fingers.

"Let's go," Said Harry, smiling down at the boy. They walked back inside and down to the cafeteria hand in hand, smiles on both of their faces.


September 1st, 2015.

"I'm gonna miss you." Louis whimpered, clinging onto Harry.

"There's nothing to miss, Lou. You have the necklace, right?" Harry asked, hugging the boy. Louis nodded and pulled away a little, showing Harry the chain. "Remember what I told you?" Again, Louis nodded and sniffled.

Harry pulled away and grabbed the cross from Louis, giving it a kiss. He wrapped his arms around Louis again and pulled him close, pressing their lips together again. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Louis responded quietly, holding onto Harry's shirt. "Don't forget about me. Please." He whimpered.

"I could never forget about you, Louis. Never. Besides, we'll see each other soon, yeah?" Harry said with a small smile, rubbing Louis' back. "I have to go now," he said quietly, watching Sharon give him a sympathetic smile.

Louis pulled away and sniffled again, watching as Harry gave Liam and Niall hugs, saying his goodbyes.

"Bye, Harry. I'm so proud of you. You're gonna do amazing things, yeah? Come visit sometime." Sharon smiled at him, not being able to help herself from letting out a few tears.

Harry walked over to the doors with his suitcase, giving Ed a hug as well. He took a deep breath before pushing the door open. The man driving the car gave him a friendly smile and opened the car door for him, placing his suitcase in the backseat.

Once the man got in the car, Harry rolled down the window and stuck his arm out, waving at everyone who had now moved outside.

Niall waved back, his other arm around Louis' shoulders, who was still crying. "Get your hands off my man, Horan." Harry narrowed his eyes.

Everyone laughed, including Louis. "I don't like blondes." He replied, finally finding the strength to meet Harry's eyes.

"Bye guys!" Harry called out, blowing Louis a kiss as the car started. He heard everyone calling out their goodbyes. Rolling the window back up, Harry let his head fall back against the cushion and let out a breath, a smile on his lips.


1115 words.
Written: 12/28/16
updated 03/24/2021

short one but basically just harry leaving and saying his goodbyes. next chapter is the last one!!☹️

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