he cries, the way he feels inside

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April 7th, 2015.

Harry walked into the cafeteria with a small smile, spotting Louis almost instantly. He was sitting next to the door with Niall on his left and, surprisingly, Liam on his right.

"Li!" Harry said, smile growing, taking his seat in front of the three boys. "I'm so glad you're out and about," he said sincerely, then turned to Niall. "Did you work your magical Irish powers on him?" Louis chuckled, picking at his salad mindlessly.

"Su-sup-pose." Niall gave the tiniest smile, Harry opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a nurse putting his hand on Louis and Niall's shoulders.

"Sorry, lads. Time for a test!" He said, pointing to the small bundle of nurses by the bathroom doors.

"T-test?" The colour drained from Harry's face as he gulped, looking around.

"Just a drug test, no blood or needles involved," the nurse assured, nodding his head.

"D-drug test?" Harry stuttered again, his hands starting to shake. The three boys across from him looked at each in confusion,

"You just have to pee in the cup, H. They won't take blood or anything," Louis said, raising his eyebrow at the lad.

"I-I-I," The nurse walked around the table and put his hands on Harry's shoulders, helping the shaking boy up.

"C'mon, son. It won't be bad at all, trust me. Then you can go back to breakfast with your friends." Harry swallowed dryly and nodded. Louis noticed how his body was shaking the slightest bit.

"I-is h-he alrig-ht?" Niall asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Dunno, he looks so scared." Louis answered, then shook his head, "probably just scared they'll end up pokin' him with a needle." He nodded, content with his explanation.


April 9th, 2015.

"Oi, Hazza! Liam, Niall and I were gonna go play scrabble in the library, wanna join?" Louis smiled, tugging at Harry's sleeve once he caught up to him.

"Oh, um, y-yeah." Harry answered nervously, trying to pry his sleeve from Louis' small hands. The ladder didn't seem to notice and proceeded to drag him down the hall to the small library.

"Vibey isn't a word, love." Harry chuckled, looking up from the board.

"Hey, I said it, therefore making it, in fact, a word." He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Harry Styles, lets go." A nurse with two security men entered the room, walking over go Harry.

"Wh-what?" Louis answered, looking at Harry with wide eyes.

"Your tests came back positive. You've been found with traces of cocaine in your body. " Harry gulped, his throat instantly going dry as he felt everyones eyes on him. "You're going to solitary to detox."

"No!" Harry screamed, trying to fight his way out of the nurses grip. Through the struggle, his sleeve flew up, revealing all of the fresh, angry red marks on his milky skin.

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