he said he wants to end it all

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January 16th, 2015.

I can't believe mum did this to me. Her only son. Tossed him away into a hospital the first chance she got.

Whatever, Gemma was always the favourite.

The people here are so sweet., so that's a plus. The nurse that signed me in and checked me out was the sweetest old lady I'd ever met. Sweeter than the ladies at the bakery.

Damn, I'm going to miss it there... The routine and stability of it all. Earlier today when I arrived at the ward, my mind was spinning. I kept trying to sink into my sweater as much as I could, not wanting people to see how much of a mess I am. They diagnosed me, though.

Severe depression and possible substance abuse.

Didn't really need a hospital to tell me that. But now, apparently, mum has something to tell everyone. God, I can hear her now.

"Harry? Oh, we don't speak to him anymore. Proper addict, that boy was. Such a shame!"

I can't stand her.

Got to go, I'm getting assigned to my room now.

All the love, H. xx


Harry gathered his notebook and pencil, clutching them both very close to his chest. A friendly looking nurse led him through a set of brightly painted double doors into an equally as bright hallway.

"They say bright colours help with depression and overall sadness," the nurse explained, turning back to look at Harry. "I know this is a bit of a culture shock, but nothing too drastic is going to happen. There are only a few rules, and other than that - you're free to roam. If you want to go outside, you must let either myself or another nurse know, yeah? There's a guard outside as well to make sure you aren't doing anything that could harm you or anyone else." She said, turning a corner. "This is your room. You don't have a roommate, so that's a plus." She smiled, opening the door. The room was nice, it was quiet and the colour was very warm and relaxing. "There is a window, and it does open but there is a screen on the other side that does not come off. Y'know... for obvious reasons."

Obvious reasons, Harry thought to himself.

Harry raised his eyebrow, biting down on his bottom lip. The nurse noticed the slight change in attitude and she quickly perked up, "Don't be upset, Harry! It's not like you're on complete lockdown. You can go anywhere you want, just make sure a nurse is aware, so we don't think you've gone missing." She assured, giving him a warm smile. "We don't want you to feel caged up. We want to help you get better - no matter what it takes."

The boy nodded, sharing a small smile. "Thank you, you're making this process a lot easier. I was so nervous coming here; I thought it was going to be something straight out of a horror movie." He laughed, putting his journal down on the desk that was against the wall.

"None of that." She said sternly, then her face softened into a smile. "It won't necessarily be easy, but it won't be like that. No one around here wants to hurt you. You deserve a better life and that's what we are here to give you." She murmured, patting his shoulder gently. "I'll leave you to get situated. Lunch will be in a little while, but I'll come to remind you in case you forget."

Harry nodded, watching her leave. He let out a sigh of relief and turned back to the desk, deciding to write a little bit more before he had to go eat and then go to group therapy.

Better Off Dead // Larry AU ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now