when he said

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May 15th, 2015.

Bad news. It wasn't a dream.

Nick is really here and I'm so scared. I can't tell anyone that he's here - he might hurt me.

Between everything that's going on with Louis and now this, I'm a fucking wreck. I feel like I'm drowning again and it hurts so much.

I don't know what to do.


H. x


May 17th, 2015.

"Harry." Nick whispered, knocking on the door. Harry groaned and got up, opening it tiredly.

"What, Nick? It's past bedtime, you're going to get us both in trouble." He said quietly, a yawn following suit.

"One more for old times sake?" Nick smiled, pulling out a bag of a familiar white, powdery substance. "We can even, you know, fool around too."

"Where the hell did you get that from? You can't have that!" Harry whisper-yelled, pushing Nick out. "I have a boyfriend, Nick. I'm not your little toy anymore that you can only use when you're horny and want to get high or whatever. You don't own me."

"And where are you going?" Nick grumbled, reaching out for Harry's arm. "C'mon, H. Remember all the fun times we had? When we visited London with the boys? That time we traveled at France and got drunk on the Eiffel Tower?" He pleaded, his eyes shinning with an emotion Harry couldn't exactly make out.

"Are you even real? You treated me like shit for countless years and now you end up in the same place as me because of what you did to me and you want to go back to how everything was? I have a boyfriend. He loves me, he doesn't pressure me into things and he doesn't make me feel like a child." Harry shook his head. "We had some good moments, but you never actually cared about me. You never asked how my day was, you never took care of me when I was sick, nothing."

"Harry, you can't do this to me." Nick sighed, running a hand over his face. "Just one last time."

"Nick, no." Harry said firmly, exiting the room. He walked quickly down the dark hall until he got to the nurses office where they stayed until it was time to check-in on the patients. He knocked urgently and kept looking behind his shoulder to make sure Nick wasn't following him.

"Styles? You should be in your bed. Is something wrong?" One of the night nurses said with furrowed brows.

"Yes, it's a long story. Is Sharon here?" Harry bit his lip, his hands shaking slightly.

"Yes, dear. She just got in a few minutes ago. You can go see her," she pointed through to the room to a familiar face Harry knew. He let out a sigh of relief and went over to her quickly, tapping her shoulder.

"The new kid, Nick, I can't be around him." Harry shook his head.

"Why?" Sharon yawned, starting the small Keurig on the counter.

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