when all you got is

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warnings: mentions of rape



April 27th 2015

All the lads were gathered around the table at breakfast, they were all still groggy because someone on the upper level decided to pull a fire alarm, so once they evacuated the building only to find out that nothing happened, they just decided to send everyone off the breakfast.

Harry took sips of his orange juice and groaned when he kept dropping the cereal from his spoon back into the bowl. Louis kept falling asleep with half a pop tart hanging out of his mouth, his head was resting in his sweater covered hand. Niall and Liam were leaning against each other, both picking at their omelettes tiredly.

"I'm going back to bed." Harry mumbled, picking his bowl up to drink the rest of the – now chocolate – milk and few stray bits of his cocoa puffs. He drank the rest of his juice and got up to throw it all out. "G'night lads." He yawned, walking back to his room after he heard everyone groan in response.

"Hey sweetcheeks!" Luke, called out, tugging on his lip ring.

"Luke, please. Can't you just leave me alone for one day? I'm sorry you got searched but I never named you. I already gave you want you wanted for the drugs. Just leave me alone, yeah?" Harry pleaded, his eyes dropping as he reached his door.

"Oh, Harry. It doesn't work like that. I gave you a lot of coke, and two quickies isn't gonna pay that off." He shook his head, pushing Harry into the room so he could lock it.

Harry begged him to stop, even tried to scream when Luke yanked his sweatpants down, which earned him a harsh slap to the face.


"Hazza? You in there?" Louis asked, turning the handle to the door. "The lads and I wanted to go watch a movie, wanna join?" He walked over to the bed, followed by Liam and Niall.

Harry groaned in response, his body aching with every breath. "Not today, lads." His voice cracked, but thankfully the boys thought it was just from all the sleep.

"Are you sure? We could bring a card game in and play?" Louis suggested,

"No thanks, Lou. You lot go have fun, I'm really knackered." He yawned, pulling the sheets up higher to cover the bruises on his body.

"Alright," Louis nodded, brushing a stray curl from Harry's cheek. Harry gave him a smile, watching as the boy left. "We'll be just down the hall if you need anything."

"Thank you, lads. Have fun." He replied, letting out a sigh of relief when the door closed. He bit down on his bottom lip, hoping to stop the tears and emotions long enough so that he could fall asleep and get a little bit more peace and quiet.

Almost three and a half hours later, there was a knock at the door reminding Harry of lunch. The boy let out another groan, but got up anyway.

After walking through the line, Harry met with his friends at the table. Louis started to talk about them going out to the garden tomorrow to do some work out there, to which the other boys agreed to.

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