its too much for him

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April 20th, 2015

Harry has been in solitary for twelve days.

He hasn't been eating the food they've given him. His face has hallowed out, his milky skin is now sickly pale. He had become dehydrated from the crying he'd done in here, causing him to be hooked up to an iv for the past two days. He was starting to forget what his own voice sounded like, as well as the voice of others. He hadn't heard another voice since the first day he was brought in here.

"Mr. Styles, let's go." Harry's head snapped up at the sound, causing him to get on his feet quickly. He looked at the nurse and raised his eyebrows. "The doctor has cleared you to leave," The nurse he quickly remembered as Taylor explained, opening the door wide enough for him to walk out.

"R-really?" His voice was raspy and hoarse. Harry swallowed dryly and walked out with Taylor who nodded at him, leading him to the white hallway.

"It's just about lunch time, you can head to the cafeteria right now. I'll get your paper work finished up and sent off soon." Harry nodded and licked his lips as he walked through the heavy double doors, letting out a quiet sigh of relief when he's met with the warm beige walls. His eyes adjusted slowly and he walked a little clumsily to the cafeteria. He went to tug down his sleeves, but realised that he had changed into a t-shirt after his arm had been wrapped up, after looking around he gulped and walked towards the lunch line, grabbing the tray of food that he greatly appreciated. Once he was out of the line he made quick work of getting to the table by the door that sat Louis, Liam and Niall.

"H-Ha-rry!" Niall said, his eyes wide.

"That's not funny, Niall. Don't tease me." Louis mumbled, pushing his tray far away from him. Niall shook his head and quickly tapped at Louis' shoulder, pointing behind him with the other hand.

"Hi, Louis." Harry murmured, walking up to him quickly. He placed his tray down next to Niall before walking up to the brown haired boy. "I missed you," he said with a smile, wrapping his arms around Louis from behind.

"I missed you too, Harry." Louis whispered back, holding the boy as tightly as he could. "Please don't ever leave me again. Please?" He pleaded quietly, pulling away a little bit to look into Harry's eyes.

"Never." Harry answered back, smiling nervously. His mind started to wander to how nice it would feel if he just leaned in a little bit and pressed his lips against Louis' soft, thin, pink lips-

"I m-mis-missed y-ya to-too, H-Har-ry." Niall said with a slight smirk, making Louis' cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"You alright, Ni?" Harry smiled, pulling him in for a hug. He turned to Liam, who was smiling brightly up at him. "Missed you, Liam." He said, returning the smile as he hugged the silent lad, rubbing his back while he did.

"C-can we go to your room after lunch?" Louis said, trying (and failing) to contain his excitement. He went to grab Harry's arm, his smile instantly dropped when he saw the white wrapping around it. He ran his fingers over the material and looked back up at Harry, his features softening.

"As long as you eat," Harry said sternly, and put his hand on top of Louis' smaller on on his wrist. "It's over now, Lou." He assured him with a sad smile. He pulled his tray closer to Louis and gave him a small pout, "at least try, for me, yeah? I'm here now, you don't have to worry." Louis blushed again and nodded, pulling at his veggie wrap. He finished half of it before he pushed his tray away again.

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