these four walls

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yes harry and liam are naked in the shower later on. no you don't need to comment on it. don't be immature. (:


April 29th, 2015.

Harry got up a little later than usual the next morning. After rubbing his eyes, he ran a hand through his greasy hair and made a face of disgust, deciding that he was going to go shower to get rid of the filth. He went through his usual routine, ignoring the glances the nurses gave him while he was on his way to the showers.

He set his towel down on the laminate counter top along with his small bag of toiletries. He grabbed his shampoo and soap, placing them on the floor of the shower before he peeled his dirty clothes off and balled them up carelessly, tossing them to the side of the counter. With a grateful sigh, he stepped in the shower and let the warm water cascade down his body.

As he stood there washing his hair, he started to think about yesterday and why he didn't change into his pyjamas before he went to bed. Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't remember anything past his nurse telling him his sister came to visit, saying she had some news-


The realisation hit Harry so hard he fell to the floor, his back pressed against the cold, aquamarine tile. A loud sob escaped his lips, which he quickly suppressed by slapping his hand over his mouth. His eyes became bloodshot as his crying progressed, his body hunched forward and shaking. He did his best to keep quiet, so no one would hear and come in, because in that moment the only person that could help him was somewhere up above him, watching the scene take place with a heavy heart.

A second realisation hit him and he stood up quickly, ignoring the wave of nausea that hit him. He peeled back the shower tile and stuck his finger in until he felt a familiar object. With shaky fingers he grabbed his blade and shoved everything else back in the wall, replacing the tile as he did. Harry held his arm out and looked at his scarred wrist and pressed the blade to it. He was about to drag it across his skin when he heard his nan's words echoing through his head.

"I love you, Harry. You're gonna do such amazing things when you get older. I'll always be there with you, cheering you on."

The blade hit the ground and Harry's body shook with more sobs, holding his head between his knees.


For the first time in a long time, Liam had gotten up earlier than he usually does. After he rubbed his eyes and yawned, he grabbed his small bag and headed off to the showers. He smiled at a few nurses on his way, but once he reached the showers his smile dropped. He heard someone crying over the sound of the shower running. Liam put his bag down and was about to get in his shower, deciding he better not get involved in case the person lashed out. But once he saw the familiar sweater that he knew belonged to Harry, he made his way over and opened the curtain slowly.

His eyes widened when he saw Harry on the ground, the water still running down his back as he cried into his knees. The curly boy looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, opening his mouth to say something. Liam shook his head and kneeled down next to him, rubbing his back.

Liam looked down and saw the blade laying on the ground, his eyes widened and he grabbed Harry's arms, checking them over with a worried expression. Harry looked up at him, confused as to what he was doing. The brown eyed boy simply pointed to the blade and then looked back to Harry.

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