5 - Drecca

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Drecca Faevale is not a fae, he is a demon. A prince, to boot. But his mother was a faery, so he supposed he must be some kind of one, too. He is first and foremost a demon. And as he paces in front of the hearth in his foyer, hands in his pockets and gaze on the black and white marble floor, he thinks about things. Life in general. The twisted curse that has fallen over his home. His people.

The foyer is big, full of plants with special spells on them to ensure they do not wilt. He turns to the big, cushy couch and sighs. He supposes he could just sit. But then his black eyes land on the grand piano across the room. He walks over to it, thinking of how his father had taught him to play the piano, to teach him patience.

Drecca traces a finger across the surface of the piano, the surface smooth and spotless. He turns to the door of his foyer, where Kieran, a werewolf, stands. His dark skin's lined with dark, beautifully intricate tattoos. The werewolf's yellow eyes are full of anger.

"What's happened, Kieran?" Drecca asks him.

"I was attacking some travelers in the Weald," he says.  "When Dax interfered."

"Fuck," Drecca mutters, rubbing his forehead. He walks to the desk behind the piano, picking up a cigar. He lights it with his own magick, the fire flickering as he ignites the cigar. He takes a deep breath in of the smoky, hot gas. Drecca then turns to Kieran.

"What's more, he was with two others," says Kieran. "A boy and a girl, but the girl, she smelled .... wrong."

"How so?"

"My Prince, she is .... wrong. So, so wrong. There's like, this essence that surrounds her soul, her mind. It resides within her. Not just that, but there's two other things that make her feel wrong to me. She's sick, I can tell. But she's also a deep well of magick."

"A well of magick? Those are so rare nowadays," says Drecca as he exhales a blast of smoke. He looks out the nearby window, and frowns. "And the boy she was with?"

"An alchemist. With an enchanted satchel, one that gave him a sword. One he kept using on me."

"So, I assume you are glad for my protection, then?"

Kieran bows his head, black locks of hair falling into his sharp, yellow eyes.  He clears his throat.  "Permission to kill the alchemist, sir."

Drecca hums. "Perhaps. Why don't we see them get their hands dirty first? I assume they are headed toward Tempyria, so, we must set up a few more roadblocks for them to encounter. Send the men out to help fuck them over some more."

"As you wish it, my Prince," Kieran says, bowing once more. He starts toward the door. But Drecca clears his throat, and Kieran turns. 

"Watch out for any signs of life from our rivals," he says to Kieran.  "We do not want them to find out what we are doing and who we are targeting. They cannot know about us doing that."

"Yes, my Prince," says Kieran. "Should we make sure Poppy does not discover the truth of the girl?"

"Yes, we do not want Poppy finding out about this," Drecca says firmly. "We cannot let her discover the truth."

"Alright, my Prince."

Poppy is their enemy, a rival leader of a court. She is fae. And she is vile, compared to Drecca.

As soon as Kieran leaves, Drecca walks over and sits on the couch, kicking his legs up. He smokes some more, sitting in silence. He doesn't know what to do about these mysterious people in the Weald. Maybe he should've just told Kieran to kill them. He doesn't know. But whatever. Regardless, these newcomers will die. Dax will die, too.

The foolish wolf from Poppy's Court is not going to last much longer with this endeavor. So, now, he is going to do his best to ensure that these newcomers die by his men's hands. Or his own. But maybe it'd be best if the girl was his for the taking ....

A dark smile crosses Drecca's face.  "Oh, yes. I will love to do this, girl. I will destroy you myself."

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