45 - Hayley [LAST CHAPTER]

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Author Note:  Hey, this story took me around a month to write. But I'm actually going to write a few more stories in this universe, and the next one will be posted soon. The next chapter in Hayley's, Tiber's, and Aldrea's story will be called Shatter Our Hope.  This story will be posted soon! It is the book 2 of the Darkness & Light stories. So please check it out!  I sincerely hope you enjoyed this story, a story my cousin Aaron and I made years ago. Trust me, you'll want to know what happens next!

- Raven Moonspark

I snarl as the man with the strange aura approaches me. His black eyes shine with tears that haven't yet fallen. He studies me closely, a look of profound sadness in those eyes. He steps back, raising his hands.

My body is wracked with pain. And I scream as the man starts to walk away, a sad look in his eyes. He hesitates in the doorway, and turns back to me. The sad aura around him makes me yearn to touch him. He is sad, but that is not all that draws me to the black-eyed man.

"Hayley," he says, and I snarl. "You in there?"

I hiss when he inches closer to me, but he raises his hands in surrender. "Hayley ..." He stops just in front of the bed I'm in. "Hayley, come back to me."

Before I can bat him away, he cups my face in his hands and kisses me hard on the lips.

He leans back, and I grab him by the throat. The man sputters, trying to get free of my iron grip. His body strains to breathe, but he doesn't get any air down. But then....

"Drecca?" I whisper, and look down to see that I am indeed holding his throat. I let go of him, and he stumbles back and coughs. "Oh, gods! Drecca!"

He looks at me, a sad look in his eyes. "Are you back?"

"Yeah, what happened?" I ask.

"Are you okay?" Drecca asks as he inches back closer to me. He gently touches my face, studying my eyes.

"Drecca... I'm so sorry," I whisper, tears falling down my face. He shakes his head. 

"Oh, Hayley. No. It's okay! It's okay, I promise," he says.

"No, it's not okay. I could've killed you!"

He shrugs. "What else is new?"

A tear slides down my cheek, and Drecca gently wipes it away with his thumb. He then kisses me, so gently, and when he leans back and smiles, my heart does a little flip. He has a crooked smile, one that I love. One that I wish I could see all the time.

"Hayley, I know we haven't had much time. I know things are not easy. But I want you to know that I care about you. A lot."

"I care about you, too," I whisper.  "Drecca, I'm just ... scared. I don't know what's going on. I'm wondering if maybe things would be better for all of you if I left."

"No, it won't be better," he snaps. "Hayley, you're all Tiber has. You're my best friend. You're so loved, Hayley. Every single one of us loves you."

I look at him. "Even you?"

He smiles. Nods. "Even me."

I kiss him then. He kisses me back, running his hands along my feathers and moving up to my hair, stroking it softly. He holds me close, kissing me with such passion my chest swells with warmth and love.

"I ... I care about you so much, Drecca. I really, really do," I whisper. Then, I kiss him more, and all the while, he kisses me back.

"Oh, how cute," says a familiar voice.

Drecca leaps up, drawing his blades, but Donovan raises a hand, and Drecca is frozen, midstrike. Drecca struggles against the power Donovan is exerting on his body, but it is no use. The Lord of Demons is too powerful.

He stalks toward me, a dark smile on his pale, scarred face. He grabs my arm, yanking me up. I cry out as he drags me off the bed, and onto the floor.

"Sorry, Drecca," says Donovan. "But I've had some help to do this little mission. After all, your girlfriend's mother is strong, and her wards she'd raised are far better than yours ever will be. However, I got a bit of help from someone you should know. I'll loosen your tongue for this moment."

A woman appears then. Drecca snarls at her.

"Poppy. I should've known," he snarls.

She grins at him.  "Yes, yes, you should have, Drecca. But alas, you did not. So, now, you will watch as Hayley is torn apart, and sewn back together.... again, and again, with no reprieve. She will beg for death. And you will be the one to give it to her."

"I would never hurt her," Drecca snarls.

"Even if she was suffering? And you knew you could stop it? Oh, how misguided you are, Drecca, Prince of Nothing," she says, laughing.  "I'll make this easy for all of us."

Poppy snaps her fingers, and a cage appears in her hands. Then, smoke swirls around Drecca, and he glances at me, horror in his black eyes. "Hayley, I love —"

He is cut off, the last word morphing into a caw, as he screams and feathers erupt all over his body. He shrinks. His arms twist, bones crunch and break and heal, as he is transformed into a massive crow. He flutters his wings, looking at himself. Poppy and Donovan both laugh as she puts him in the cage.

"This curse will only be undone by love," she says.  "But I'm not telling either of you how to undo it, not yet. Because you both mist suffer first."

Donovan grins at me, his scarred face twisting with hatred. "This is going to be so much fun!" And then, the world around us goes black.

~ The End ... for now.... ~

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now