8 - Drecca

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Drecca walks into his study, picking up a crystal decanter, he pours some alcohol into the glass on his table. He sighs as he drinks, and he sits down hard on his seat. Drecca's home is empty, devoid of life, save for him.

Kieran left to hunt for those people. He is utterly alone.

Until, he senses something in the hall outside his study door, and he lifts his gaze to the big, white door. It creaks open, and he palms a knife, readying to attack. But when Poppy, the fae bitch herself, walks in, his night becomes more ruined than it normally had been.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Poppy?" Drecca demands as she glides in and sits across from him. Her red hair is tied in an intricate braid, her green eyes piercing his soul. He watches her, and she watches him.

Poppy's form-fitting red dress shimmers in the light of the sconces hanging about the study. He frowns as she picks up a sheaf of paper on the desk, and smirks. He rips the papers from her grip.

Poppy scowls at him. "You are no fun, Drecca."

"Neither are you, Poppy."

She chuckles.  "Oh, I'm loads of fun, my dear demon Prince. But the thing is, you are having your friends hunt some people that are under my protection.  And that, my dear, simply won't do."

Drecca stares at her with an angry look. He growls low in his throat, and she shakes her head.  Poppy looks at the blade he is holding.

"Ah, well, that there's a problem, too, Drecca." She smiles. But the look is a feral one. One that exudes rage and fury.

"What, that I wish to be protected from you? How is that a problem? And why do I care what is or isn't a problem with you and your people? Who are you to say that I cannot do something, just because you oppose it?"

Poppy shrugs.  "I am a fae princess, after all, Drecca. I am not just some pushover. I am a fucking member of the royal family of fae. You are nothing compared to us."

He laughs. "Your ego is so enormous, I'm shocked it fit in the damn door."

She snarls.  "Good try, Drecca. Good try hurting me."

"Oh, I haven't begun to hurt you."

He leaps over the table, lashing his blade out at Poppy. She vanishes, and he collapses forward, nearly impaling himself on the knife. Drecca snarls as he stands and whirls around and comes face to face with Poppy once more. She beams at him, her green eyes aglow.

"Leave the people alone, Drecca. Lest you face my wrath."

Then, she is gone. Drecca sighs once more. He won't back off from this fight. He has to find them, has to find out which of them is going to be best suited as the solution for his problems. Including Poppy. He will end Poppy, he will end the mess he and his whole court are in. He will save his kingdom. And Poppy will die.

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