22 - Tiber

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Tiber and the others portal to Norvo, where he hopes Hayley truly is. But at the same time, he hopes and prays she isn't. Because she's in danger here, moreso than she was anywhere else.

Why? Because Tiber is sure that the same woman they fled from back in Noxyk, is likely here, and she's the one who has Hayley.

As soon as they reach a big, black mansion in the middle of the city, Tiber stops and stares. It is a weirdly familiar place, despite him never having been here. Tiber looks over at Dax, who has the same look on his face as he knows he does as well.

"What is this place?" Atlas whispers. "Why ... why's it so ... corrupted?"

"You feel it, too?" Delta asks her.

"We all do," says Dax. His eyes remain locked on the building, and Indari, the demon, and Kieran, the werewolf, both turn to them.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to find your sister?"

"This is fishy, Tiber," whispers Dax.

"I know," he says softly.  "But I think .... No. I need to know who this is that lives here."

"Why?" Delta asks.

Tiber glares at him.  "We need to find Hayley. And if she is indeed here, then I must save her."

"Alright," says Dax.

"But why?" Delta demands, narrowing his eyes.

"Tell me, Delta. If your sister was the one who was possibly hurt, would you be the one saying to stop? No, you wouldn't be. Your sister went to hells for you. You two can go if you must, but if you stay...  You could help us. Both of you could."

"No," says Atlas, glaring at Tiber. "No, we aren't leaving. So, Tiber, let's keep going. Let's keep doing this, searching for her."

Delta glares at her, but in the end, he shakes his head. "Fine, Atlas. Let's do this."

They follow the demon and werewolf into the massive mansion. The second the six of them have reached the inside of the house, Tiber senses the doors and windows seal shut with thick, heavy wards.

Wards like the ones he'd felt back home, the ones their "mom" had erected to keep them all "safe" from others. Like hells. It didn't keep them safe, didn't keep her safe from Achard.

"Hello, little boy," says an all-too familiar voice.

Tiber turns, drawing his sword. Dax looks at him, turning too, and the four of them face the woman who'd tortured him and Hayley their whole lives.

Tiber glares at her, his rage building. "Hello, false mother. Where is Hayley?!"

"Hayley?" She scoffs.  "Should've known. You two were always so ungrateful. Especially her. If I see her again, that little bitch will get what's coming to her!"

Tiber roars in rage. He leaps forward, and she blasts him with an invisible wall of energy that casts him back against the far wall. He gasps, the pain searing his back. Dax moves, fast as lightning. He lifts Tiber's fallen sword and slashes his mother across the chest with the blade.

Tiber falls to the ground, and Atlas is there, helping him up. She looks at him, fear in those green eyes, her short, auburn hair askew. She is terrified.

"Tiber, what is going on?"

"That's my fake mother," he says.  "And I think she has my sister."

"Your sister isn't here!" his false mom screams. "She's not here, you fool! But you, you child.... I could use you."

There's a sudden boom, followed by a flash of blinding light, and Tiber collapses, knowing no more for a while.

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