32 - Hayley

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I wake up in Drecca's arms. He is carrying me through the darkness of night in this strange realm. There's a big man ahead of us, walking beside Lilith. They talk softly to one another, and I turn my gaze back to Drecca. He looks down at me.

"Hey," he says softly.

"Drecca? Oh, gods ... you're okay?!"

He chuckles, the sound rumbling in his chest, which I feel. He smiles at me, and I feel my heart do a flip. Drecca nods, his smile something of beauty.

"He feels the same way about you, Hayley."

What? No, no he doesn't. He's just.... being nice.

"Ha. Yeah, I'm sure that's all there is to it," Aldrea says.

"I'm fine," says Drecca. "Thanks to you."


"You saved me. You saved my life, Hayley," he says. "You and Lilith took down that dragon just in time, and when she died, I knew I would be okay. You saved me, your magick started my heart once more."

"Wait, what? My magick did that? How? My magick's all destruction and pain and death...."

He shakes his head. "No, Hayley. Your magick ... and you,  are much more than that."

"How do you know?"

Drecca smirks. "So many questions, little Hayley. I know because I felt you when your magick touched me. When I was basically half-dead, lying in that dragon's guts, your power found me. You came back for me. I'll never forget that. Thank you, Hayley, for saving me."

I smile a little.

"Like calls to like, Hayley. Your bond is growing stronger, more powerful.  You two are destined, my sister. You and Drecca, you're bound to be lovers. Someday. If you can admit your feelings for him, and he for you. He is just scared you will deny him."

Why would I deny him? He's handsome, and he's actually kind  .... I feel like I've known him my whole life. But how long has it really been?

"It's been two months in fact."

I look at Drecca. He smiles at me, then stops walking. "Want me to set you down?"

Part of me says yes. But more of me screams no. He studies me, his intense expression making my cheeks heat up. Drecca glances over to the man and Lilith, then back to me. He nods, looking expectantly at me.

Oh, right. He asked me a question.

"N- no," I say. "I kinda like this."

Drecca beams at me, his crooked smile making my heart do a beautiful flip and my cheeks heat once more.

"Why, Hayley, you do seem to be blushing," he says.

"Am I?"

Nodding, Drecca says, "You are, Hayley. So, would you like to meet Lilith's uncle, Lorcan?"

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now