43 - Tiber

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Hayley looks so small laying in Drecca's bed. She lays on her side, her eyes shut, and Hykait paces nearby. Aldrea's spirit is manifested into her old body. Her white hair falls down by her shoulders, and her eyes glow silver. She's pale, and her clothes are a short white dress.  She wears no shoes, but her wings are unfolded from her back.

Tiber can't stop looking at her and Hayley, seeing them as separate beings. Drecca and Lilith are in here, but everyone else is in their rooms.

Donovan is still alive, unfortunately. But he fled.

As he sits beside Hayley, Drecca on the other side of the bed, his hand resting beside her, Tiber can't stop thinking of how Hayley looked. How she looked when Donovan cleaved her and Aldrea from each other, then changed something in Aldrea.

"Aldrea, are you okay?" Tiber asks her.

"No," she says.  "I'm just ... existing. I wish I could meld with Hayley again, but... I must wait for her to wake up. And Hykait — I mean Mom — said that we have a choice to make, so I'm just waiting for her to wake up."

"What choice do they have to make?" Tiber asks.

Hykait stops pacing, turning to him, she sighs.  "Hayley and Aldrea need to make a big choice, and it does not concern you, so please do not butt in."

Tiber shakes his head. "They are my sisters, Hykait. It does concern me!"

Hykait sighs again, and looks down at Hayley. "You need to let them make this choice of their own accord. They need to hear this when both of them are awake."

"But ...." Tiber says, then he shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but this is all ... a bit much."

"You think it's a lot now? What about Hayley getting half her soul ripped from her body? What of Aldrea being wrenched from her sister, where she felt safe? Where she felt .... happy?"

Tiber glares.  "I don't need a refresher on what just happened, Hykait."

"No, I think you definitely do," she snaps.  "Because your sisters are going through hell right now, and they both need your help."

"Fine," says Tiber, frustrated. "What can we do to help wake her up? What can we do to help her?"

"We can't do anything. She must wake on her own, and decide on her own."

Tiber turns back to Hayley, and he sighs. He wants her to wake up. He just wishes she'd wake up. He's scared that she won't. He just hopes... he hopes she and Aldrea will be okay.

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now