34 - Tiber

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They walk for what feels like ages. Tiber is exhausted when they find a ruined castle, and decided to rest there for a while. Tiber feels weak, and as they enter the castle, he nearly sighs with relief. But then, something feels off about this place. Corvo and Lyrrha do not seem to notice, so they both press on.

But Tiber hesitates.


Without saying a word, Tiber whirls and sprints into the shadows of the ruined castle. He stops when he hears a voice that is deep and raspy. Then, a large man with dark skin leaps forth, bringing an axe down on Tiber.

Tiber raises his arms in defense, and a shield appears between him and the man's axe. But then, a demon woman appears from the shadows, and she beams at him as she conjures twin blades. She runs toward him, and Tiber knows he cannot face them both on his own.

"Where is my sister?!" Tiber screams.

The big man laughs, but the demon stops attacking him, her eyes wide. "Your sister?"

Tiber glares at her, using his newfound magick to create a pair of swords. He faces them, staring at the two demons, both of them, ready to fight. Until the end, if need be. He needs to save Hayley. He can't let her be hurt by them.

"Who is your sister, boy?" asks the demon girl.

"Why do you care?"

"Just tell me who she is," says the demon.

The big man looks between her and Tiber, a dark expression on his face as he does. "Lilith. Why waste your time with him? He is a fool."

"He may be a fool, but he .... I think he knows my friend."

"Your friend?" Tiber scoffs. "Hayley would never be friends with the likes of you!"

"Ah. Are you so sure of that?" Lilith asks.

Tiber glares at her. "Tell me where my fucking sister is!"

Lilith looks at the man. "He seeks Hayley."

"Then he should know she is safe," says the man. "She is with Prince Drecca."

"Who the fuck is Prince Drecca?" Tiber demands.

Lilith chuckles.  "He is my dear friend. And he has been keeping your sister safe. He cares for her."

"A demon cares for my sister?" Tiber scoffs. "I doubt that."

Lilith shakes her head. "She loves him, and he loves her."

Tiber stares at her. "What?"

"Hayley has been with us for over six and a half months in your time on Espynn. Longer in our realm. But she and Prince Drecca have fallen for each other. She doesn't realize her full potential."

"No, she doesn't. Take me to her," he says. "Please."

"She's a bit ... preoccupied right now."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

The big man chuckles. "I think you know what it means, boy. You see, when a man and woman love each other..."

"She doesn't love him! And he's a demon, he sure as fuck can't love her!" Tiber yells.

"Have you ever loved someone? Have you ever been in a forbidden love?"

Just then, Corvo and Lyrrha catch up with him. Tiber looks at them, his anxieties making him fidget in place. Corvo looks at the demons, a murderous look on his face. Tiber sighs.

"These people know where Hayley is," he explains.

"I don't care if they know where the damn gods are! They're demons, Tiber! And you're.... you're working with them?!"

Tiber is about to say no, he isn't, when the big man with Lilith gasps. "Lyrrha?!"

Lyrrha looks at him. "F- Father?!"

Corvo looks at her, shock etched on his face. Lyrrha runs to the man. He embraces her, sighing and laughing as he holds her close. Lyrrha begins to cry, and the man rubs her back in reassurance.

"What the hells is going on?" Corvo demands.

"Corvo," Lyrrha says, turning back to him. "This is Lorcan, my father. And Lilith, my cousin."

"You're.... part demon?"

"No," she says sharply. Lyrrha shakes her head. "I am a full demon."

Corvo backs away from her. "I trusted you!"

Lyrrha sighs. "Corvo, you know me. I am not an evil demon. Not all demons are evil, after all."

"Yeah, right. And not all nights are dark."

Tears fill her eyes. "Corvo..."

Lorcan steps forward, moving between them. "Apologize to my daughter. Now."

Corvo sticks up his chin. "I will not. I do not trust demons. None of them, and that induces traitorous ones!"

Lorcan snarls. "Well, then. Let's see what you're made of, boy." He swings his axe, but Corvo vanishes into thin air.

Lyrrha sobs. "Oh, Corvo..."

Lorcan turns to her. "Come, my daughter. Let's go home."

"Wait," says Lilith. "You promised us that you would help us return home, with a new portal."

"Oh, indeed I did," says Lorcan. "And I shall. I am a demon of my word, after all." He raises his hand, snapping his fingers. A swirling ball of white light manifests above the surface of the floor, and he then turns to Lyrrha. "This will take you all back from where you first entered this world, but if you all go through, you will all arrive in the same place. Take caution, for you do not know what the circumstances of your new arrival will be."

Then, Lorcan and Lyrrha vanish.

Tiber looks at Lilith, who sighs. "I will go get Hayley and Prince Drecca, but please remain here, and guard the portal. Alright?"

"I don't take orders from you," Tiber snarls.

Her shoulders slump.  "Please, Tiber. I don't know what exactly is going on between the Prince and your sister, but I do know that she will be most happy to see you once more."

Sighing, Tiber nods. "Go get her, then."

Lilith smiles. It's a pretty sight. "As you wish."

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now