13 - Drecca

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Drecca and Lilith both felt the surge of magic that ripped its way through the entire world. Knowing that it's something big, and such a surge of power will surely summon more people to its epicenter, they leave his home.

But as Drecca and Lilith draw closer to the blast, Drecca finds himself feeling a bit odd. He stops moving, looking over at Lilith, who also stops. She raises a dark brow, her expression one of confusion and worry.

"Something is wrong," he says.

"Yeah, that's why we're going there, Drecca," she says, narrowing her eyes and folding her arms over her chest. But Drecca simply shakes his head, and, with a great burst of speed, he springs forward and runs ahead. "Wait for me, you bastard!" Lilith shrieks as she races after him, her strong wings propelling her forward.

The pair of demonic royals find themselves at the castle atop the hill, the one that was once the home of the Tempyrians' royals. But now, it is a ruined building. Fire blooms all across the destroyed building, and Drecca stops before the destruction.

He frowns as he studies the scene, his eyes wide. Drecca doesn't know what this is, what has happened. But the surge of energy that they both felt, the magick....

Drecca knows he must find its source. Because he's sure that he knows what caused it. No. Who caused it. That girl, the one that Poppy warned him about. The one under that bitch's protection. 

But then, Lilith calls out to him. Drecca is immediately there, kneeling beside her. Laying in the middle of an ashy circle, slowly breathing, and laying on her side, is the winged girl. Her long, black hair hangs limp over her shoulders, and her wings, the same black color, lay in the ash, one draped over her shoulder. Her skin is pale, but the ash makes her seem to have gray skin instead. She's short and curvy, and as Deecca kneels beside her, he carefully lifts her up.

The girl is slightly heavy, but as he and Lilith support her wings and head, Drecca grins.

Poppy warned him not to mess with this girl. She said nothing about him saving her life. About him taking her away, hiding her somewhere no one, not even Poppy herself, would ever find.

And so, Drecca and Lilith vanish, carrying the girl in between the two of them.

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