36 - Hayley

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When we step back into the mansion that Drecca and Lilith call home, I am startled to see a werewolf and another demon waiting for us. The wolf is named Kieran, and the demon is Indari.

Tiber confronts me in the guest room Drecca let me stay in, which happens to be across the hall from his own room. Tiber's, I mean. Drecca's is just beside mine. But Drecca and Lilith are meeting with Kieran and Indari to find out what has happened since we left.

Kieran said it had been two months since we left, and it's been six that I've been with Drecca and Lilith. But when Tiber comes to my room, he isn't mad. He looks sad.

"I'm sorry for yelling, Hayley," he says softly. "I just didn't... I don't.... Hayley, I found some things when we were apart. And I'd like to tell you, but we should find the others first."

"Just tell me," I say. "Please."

He and I walk over to my bed, and he sits on the edge while I'm in the center, resting my cane on the side of the bed. Tiber sighs and shifts in his seat, then looks at me.

"Hayley, we are the children of the Goddess Hykait and the children of Death."

"Hykait? And .... Death? You sure?" I ask him.

"Yes," he says. "I was told that by some... something that I still don't know how to explain. But also, uh.... Aldrea, the spirit that is fused with you. She's.... our dead sister."

"What?" I whisper, my heart stopping.

Aldrea seems to know what is happening, as she seems to awaken and speak. "Hayley. What he says is right, he's not making anything up. You two are the son and daughter of Hykait and the God of Death. And yes, I am your sister."

"Why didn't you tell me that, Aldrea?" I demand.

"She .... she's also a demon. A sorta different kind. She was murdered, Hayley. And that brutality changed her spirit into that of a demon, making her .... different."

"How do you know all this?"

"I ... have a few special secrets of my own." He raises his hand, and green flames wreath it and his arm. He smiles at my shocked look. "Yeah. I found this out when I was captured by our ex-mother."

"How did you know Aldrea was murdered, though?"

"Remember how when she first came to you, it seemed like I knew of her? Well, I did. Hayley, she was murdered by our false mother, she would have been the oldest of the three of us. She would've been able to spirit us away from the false mother. But she .... she was killed. And because of that, she came to me right after it happened. But our false mom had stolen our memories of Aldrea, erasing her from our minds. Making it so it was as if she'd never existed."

"She told you all this then? But why didn't she tell me?"

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid you wouldn't want me, anymore. I was scared you would reject me."

"Why would I reject you, Aldrea? I wouldn't do that. Especially not to my real family," I say.

Tiber reaches out and touches my hand.  "You are Hayley Moon. She is Aldrea Moon, I am Tiber Moon. We are all the children of gods. But I must ask — do you truly trust this Prince Drecca?"

"Yes, I do," I say. "Tiber, he saved my life."

His eyes widen just a little.  "Really? Oh..."

"Anyways, we should find the others," I say. "But maybe Drecca and Lilith and their friends can help us?"

"You think Drecca will want to help?"

I smile at him. "Oh, I'm sure he will."

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now