18 - Indari

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Indari rolls her eyes as Kieran talks to her. Kieran is one of Drecca's men, but he has sought her out to help him find the portal back to Drecca's realm. Indari does not care if he does or doesn't return, though.  Kieran may be half-demon, but he is also half wolf. And he's annoying as all hells.

"Indari, if you are loyal to Prince Drecca, you'd better help me return to him. I don't know where the girl went after that explosion, but .... Maybe he needs my help finding her. I can do this, Indari."

She shakes her head. "Kieran, the girl was already taken to Prince Drecca's home."

"What? How do you know?"

"My sister, Lilith, told me."

"Wait, so Lilith and you.... Never mind. Whatever. Indari, please, help me find home."

"Fine, if it will get you to leave me alone, I will do it."

She grabs his arm, and pink energy swirls around the two of them. Then, the world around them is moving fast, or maybe it is them that is moving fast. But then, just as Kieran and Indari might pass out, they appear before the massive castle that they and Drecca call home.

Kieran sighs heavily.   "Teleporting is so... gross, sometimes."

Indari scoffs.  "You asked my help."

"Indeed," he says, brushing past her and approaching the big, wrought-iron gates. The black gates are closed, but as they approach, they creak open. The two of them walk into the big, black castle, the sky overhead something of a shimmering blue, purple, and black light.

They walk into the castle, and are immediately teleported to the main hall. Drecca sits on his throne, the massive, ebony and ruby throne glimmering in the chandeliers' light. The floor is marble, with a black and white checker pattern, and the chandelier light reflects off that and the silver and white walls.

Drecca waves a hand, and Indari and Kieran both bow before him. He rolls his eyes, and they stand once more as he waves a hand in dismissal.

"Kieran. I thought maybe you'd died."

"It'll take much more than that to kill me, my Prince."

"Hmm," Drecca mutters. He turns his black gaze on Indari. "Ah, you. Your sister is with my prize of a dark angel."

"You found her?!" Kieran asks, eyes wide.

Indari rolls her eyes once more. "Didn't you know that?"

Kieran ignores her.  "My Prince, where did you find her? In that castle?"

"Yes, I found her in the rubble. Did you destroy it?"

"N - no," he stammers.  "I wouldn't have done that, sir."

Drecca shakes his head and stands up.  He walks up to them, and Kieran bows once more. Indari lowers her head, looking at the floor.

"Well, Kieran," Drecca says casually.  "I have a new mission for you. Search for the dark angel's family. Not her brother, but the mother they feared. And tell her where to find her brother."

"Yes, my Prince," says Kieran. "It will be done as you wish it."

"Good. Do not fail me, Kieran. I assume that her brother will remain in the city of Tempyria. So, you are going to Noxyk. Find their false mother, tell her where to find her false son, and sit back and watch the chaos ensue."

Kieran nods.  "Yes, my Prince."

Drecca turns to Indari.  "Go with him. It is imperative that she finds this Tiber and whatever allies he has. Make sure they all fear the power of their false mother, as well as my own. This will give me more time to work with Hayley."

"As you wish, my Prince," she says.

"Good, then, go."

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