33 - Hayley

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Drecca carries me for a while before we come across a ruined castle, its roof still intact, as well as its floors and walls. Lilith's uncle, the mysterious man named Lorcan, walks into the building before us. We walk in after he tells us about it being safe.

Lorcan and Lilith make a fire, and Lorcan and Drecca go to find some food and something to sleep on for the four of us. I sit beside the fire, Lilith across from me, her red eyes locked on the flames. She looks up at me after a few moments of silence.

"You okay, Hayley?"

I shrug. "Not sure..."

She sighs. "You ... want to talk about it?"

But before I can answer, Lorcan returns with a stuffed bag. He plops the bag on the floor, grinning wide at us. "Dig in!"

Lilith pulls the bag over to her, opening it. Immediately, I can smell food. Lilith grins as she picks up a package full of biscuits. "They're still squishy? That makes no sense..."

"We are alone here," Drecca says as he emerges from the shadows. He sets down two bottles of wine and then takes off a backpack, which he sets down on the floor. "This bag here has bedrolls in it."

"Ah, my good man! You found some alcohol, I see!" Lorcan exclaims.

Drecca chuckles. "Noticed that, did you? Yes. I did."

We end up eating and drinking long into the night, and after a while, Lorcan and Lilith both pass out. Drecca and I are still awake, and I am not sure if we are going to sleep, anyways.

Drecca sighs and leans back, resting his head on a chunk of fallen wall. He laid out the rest of the bedrolls for each of us and he lays back, sipping some of the wine he'd found. He looks at me, a strange look in his dark eyes.

"You okay?" I ask him.

He nods. "You?"

I shrug.  "I thought you were dead. And I was so panicked. I just ... wish I could've...."

"Hey, you did save me," he says. "Hayley, I told you before, I felt your power when I was nearly dead. It woke me from my death-sleep. I awoke and was brought toward you through some kind of magick. But you know, I was so scared when I was being swallowed that you'd be next. That's why I threw you to the ground, and why I was so shaken when you found me. I thought you were going to die. And I... I couldn't bear it."

"But why?" I ask. "Why do you care so much about me?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he says.

"Like calls to like," Aldrea whispers.

I look at Drecca. "You... you used to not care about me, but now, it's obvious to me that you do. You have... warmed up to me, I guess. And I have warmed to you. But... " I sigh.


"But I'm just wondering if you and I are suddenly close for a real reason, or a magick one."

"What kind of magick one? Like, a curse? A wish?"

I shrug again. "I don't know. Maybe it's our magicks calling to each other."

He studies me closely. Then he shifts in his seat, crawling over to my side. He then cups my face in his rough but warm hands. Drecca then kisses my lips. Heat fills my chest and I kiss him back, our lips moving against one another. He gently strokes my jaw with his thumb, his breaths coming fast through his nose, just like my own.

He wraps my body in his arms, kissing me hard. His kisses were soft, gentle. Now, they're more of what you'd expect from a demon Prince. He pulls me on top of his body, and I end up straddling his body.

"I've never done this before," I whisper.

"What? Kiss someone?" Drecca asks.

"Y - yeah," I whisper.

"Do you.... like it?"

"Oh, yes," I breathe. "Don't stop."

He moves his hips, grinding against my own hips. I want to rip off my clothes — and his. But I remember that Lilith and Lorcan are right here, so I don't. Drecca doesn't seem to care, as he flips me over, and I curl my wings around him as he lays me carefully on my back, so I don't pinch my wings.

Drecca sighs as I kiss his cheek, then move to his jaw, then his throat. He shivers under my touch. I feel his arousal against my body, but I find I don't mind. I just kiss his neck, and he kisses my lips.

"Hayley," he whispers.  "I think you and I should find some place quiet and alone."

"Oh, we definitely should."

He lifts his gaze to me, his lips slightly swollen. He smirks. "Ah, you agree?"

"Of course I do," I whisper. "Let's go."

He scoops me up in his arms, and then picks up my cane. We leave this section of the castle, and before long, we are inside a big bedroom. We lucked out, as there's a big, still plush bed in it. Drecca closes the door, and lays me down on it. And then, we kiss....

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now