14 - Tiber

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Tiber trudges through the debris, his chest hurting with each and every beat of his heart. He sees no sign of Hayley anywhere. Dax can't smell her, Atlas couldn't find her. But thankfully for Atlas, she found Delta, and whatever that big blast was seemed to free him from his demonic possession.

But Tiber can't believe his sister is gone. No. She's not gone.  She's just.... missing. He will find her.

"Hayley's a badass," says Dax as the four of them leave the rubble building behind after day three of useless searching. But Tiber can't seem to stop worrying about her. Hayley is indeed a badass, and she had Aldrea, but ....

"I'm sure your sister is fine," Delta adds, his thick accent rolling all R's.  Tiber ignores him. He turns to the distant hill. Then back to Dax, Atlas, and Delta.

"We need to find her," he insists.  "Dax, can you track her?"

"Tiber, I've tried," Dax says.  "I told you that and showed you where her scent stops."

Tiber feels like ripping his hair out. His sisters are fucking missing and it feels like no one but he cares! How could they just ignore this? How could they all be so calm?!

"Are we sure she isn't dead?" Atlas asks.

"Atlas," Delta hisses.

"What? Weren't we all thinking that? She's not.... she's not normal, Delta. She's not —"

"Stop it now, Atlas." Dax's tone is sharp.

"Yeah, how about no." She whirls on Tiber.  "You are gonna get us all killed, and for what?"

"For what? I'm sorry, but didn't we just fucking have to go out of our way to save your godsdamned brother?! So I don't want to hear any more bullshit, Atlas! Hayley's missing. And she's missing because of your shit. So you will fucking help us find her."

Tiber hates his outburst, but he knows it needed to be said. So, instead of offering an apology, he trudges back through the streets of Tempyria. He hopes they can find some kind of clue, something.... anything that can help him find her.

He walks for a while, the others following him. It has been three and a half days, and they haven't found any signs of Hayley's whereabouts. But he knows they will find her, because they have to. He has to let her know the truth of their births. The truth of their parents, both surrogate and real.

But no matter how exhausted he is, even when they camp out on the outskirts of the city, but still within the walls, Tiber cannot sleep. So, he remains awake, thinking about any ways they could try to go to search for Hayley. But where? Where does he begin? Where would she even be? Who had her?

Too many questions ... no answers or even clues.

The last thought Tiber has before he falls asleep is him wondering if he will ever see Hayley again. And a prayer to whatever goddess he's the son of that she, wherever she is, is safe. Because Hayley's all that truly matters, the only family he has. He cannot let her die. He won't.

He won't....

He won't.

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now