35 - Drecca

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He awakens with Hayley in his arms, the girl fast asleep. He didn't realize where they are until the memory of last night comes back to him. Drecca sits up carefully, unwinding himself from her as gently as possible. Hayley's beautiful purple eyes glow as they open.

"Hey," he says to her, his voice raspy and deep.

"Hi," she murmurs. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

She smiles, and he feels his heart do a small flip. He'd do anything for her. He knows that now. Drecca presses a soft kiss to her forehead.

"It's probably fitting that when we first kissed, we were in hell," she says, giggling softly.

Drecca chuckles. "Indeed."

He slowly stands up and walks over to retrieve her cane. But as soon as he grabs it, he hears hurried footsteps in the hall outside the door on his left. He opens the door, ready for a fight, but stops his attack before it can start, as Lilith stands there, looking... frightened.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Lilith glances past him, then sighs. "Her brother is here. He came with two others, but they left, one just disappeared and the other left with Lorcan. He left a portal in the middle of the room downstairs for us. That is also where her brother is."

Drecca nods. "Alright." He turns and walks over to the bed, where Hayley looks at him, a confused look on her face. She watches him closely, and he hands her the cane. "Your brother is downstairs, Hayley. As is a portal that will take us all home."

"We .... can go home?" Hayley whispers, eyes wide.

Drecca nods and smiles.  "We can go home."

He helps her rise to her feet, and takes her free hand. She looks at him, her gaze full of trust. Drecca wonders how long this will last, this love between them. If it is indeed somehow love. Drecca and Hayley follow Lilith's lead down the winding staircase, and towards the room where they'd entered and eaten just last night.

A boy stands there, in the center of the room, staring wide eyed at Hayley, who's still holding the hand of the demon Prince. The boy walks up to them, his eyes widening in shock.

"Hayley," he says.

"Hi, Tiber."

"That's it? Hi, Tiber?! You've been gone for months, Hayley! And now, you just say hi? I've been so worried about you!"

"Calm down," Drecca says sternly. "She was helping us."

"You fucking kidnapped her!"

"No, I didn't. I saved her life, Tiber."

Green flames swirl around Tiber's fists. He glares at Drecca, a fierce look on his face. "So, you think you saved her? If you did, why didn't you bring her back?"

"I wasn't aware she is your property," Drecca replies coolly.

Tiber growls. "Say that. One more time."

"Stop," Hayley says firmly. She steps between them. Glares at Tiber. "I have done my best to try and find you. You were nowhere to be found. Don't act like he's the villain here, when Drecca's the one who saved me."

"Saved you? No, no. No. Hayley. He kidnapped you!"

"Enough, Tiber! He found me in the middle of a destroyed castle, not unlike this one. But he found me and brought me to his home. Helped me get through some hard parts. Learn how to use my powers."

"Oh, how wonderful. While you were learning control, I was searching the rubble for your corpse!"

"Tiber!" Hayley yells. "Enough. Okay? I'm tired, I'm in pain, and I just want to use that portal and return to Espynn."

Drecca looks at her with pride.  He's glad she's defending herself. That she isn't backing down and letting him walk all over her. Tiber sighs.

"I'm sorry, Hayley. I just... I was so scared."

"That is not a reason to take your anger and fear out on your sister," says Lilith.

"Fuck off, demon," Tiber snaps.

Drecca moves lightning fast, grabbing Tiber's jacket and lifting him up. "Leave off, Tiber. You are not going to walk all over your sister. She's been working hard. She's been helping people, and what the fuck have you done? Just yelled at her and tried to hurt her feelings."

Drecca lowers Tiber to the floor. He stumbles back, staring with hateful eyes at him. Tiber turns and walks to the portal then. He and Lilith vanish through it, and Drecca takes Hayley's hand once more, and the two of them enter the portal as well.

Darkness & Light:  Book 1: Shatter Our Fates [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now