44 - Hayley

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I snap awake, my breaths coming fast and hard. I look at Drecca and Tiber, then see a woman standing beside Hykait across the room. The woman is Aldrea, I know.


Hykait and Aldrea walk over, and both women sit on the bed. Hykait rests a hand on my outstretched leg, and the sorrow in her silver eyes is so profound that it is a bit saddening to me, too. She looks over at Tiber.

"Alright, my children, my daughters. You have a choice to make. You either allow Aldrea to slip back into your body, Hayley, or you and I... " She trails off, facing Aldrea. "Or you and I can work with Aldrea to forge her a new body."

"Wait, so if Hayley wants to fuse with Aldrea, she can? But if she doesn't, you two can save her another way? Like, you can give her a new body? New life?"

"Yes, but it isn't that simple," says Hykait. "Simply put, though, what Donovan did was more than tearing you two apart. It corrupted you both. If you were to fuse again, then you two would.... you'd be feral. For a while, your mind would shatter. Your minds, I mean. But it would return to how you are now after a while."

I look at Tiber, and he is pale, staring at our mother like she's a monster. But Hykait continues to speak.

"Aldrea and Hayley are linked, in a way. So if Hayley decides to forge a new body for Aldrea, she can be more powerful the closer they are. So, the choices are this.  If you wish, you can fuse with Aldrea once more. Or you can help create a new body for her."

"What are the pros and cons of both?" Drecca asks.

Hykait nods.  "Well, if you forge a new body, the pros are she will be a separate entity from you, but you can still be linked with each other. You are essentially going to be like twins, linked in a psychic way. You will feel everything the other one does. But you may have some... privacy, now. However, that feeling thing may also be a bit of a con, as well. Forging a new body will likely drain you both, and afterwards, you must go into a healing sleep. You both will be more powerful than ever before, but also you will be physically weaker."

"And if I accept her back?" I ask, my voice breaking.

Tiber looks at me, then back to our mom. Hykait looks sad.

"I'm afraid that with this, there are more cons than pros."

"Just .... tell us," I say. "Please."

Aldrea nods when Hykait looks at her. The Goddess nods. She clears her throat and continues.

"The pros are that you will be back to as you were before. You will also be more powerful than before, as you'll be blessed by me. But if you do, it will break both of your minds. You will be more beast than Hayley and Aldrea. You could hurt or kill someone you love, just because they look at you. You will be stronger, psychically and physically. But you also will be more of a dark angel than you ever were before. You will both be pure demons. But this state won't be the permanent state for you both. It will last a long time, and it can come back. But it can be better controlled each time it does happen."

I glance at Tiber, unable to look at the pity and sadness on Drecca's face. "You ... can make a potion to help us, though. Right?"

"Yeah, of course," he says.

"Whatever you two choose, we will be behind you," says Drecca. He rests a hand on mine, and I look at him. He smiles a bit, but the look is sad. "I care about you, Hayley. Both of you."

Aldrea inches closer to me. She's crying.  "I'm with you, my sister. Whatever you may choose. I will go with your choice. I trust you."

I look at Hykait, then. I'm so sad. "Okay. I think .... "

Aldrea smiles at me. "You can do this, Hayley."

"Fuse us once more."

Hykait nods. "This will hurt both of you. But I will heal you afterwards."

"O - okay," I stammer.

Aldrea smiles.  "Okay."

Hykait stands. She begins to chant. Magick swirls through the room, and then, the purple energy slams into Aldrea's body. She jerks hard, and falls forward, collapsing into my body. She and I fuse once more, and as I feel her filling my very heart, mind, soul, and body .... I feel pain unlike anything I've felt before.

It's different from the chronic pain. It's different from the moment when Donovan tore her from my body. And now, I feel like I am whole once more. Aldrea settles in me once more and she opens her psychic eyes.

"Why did you choose this path, Hayley? I'm not sure."

I chose this because this is how I lived for a while now. And I know I could've changed it. I know ... I could've made you alive again. But I... I wanted you to be with me. I know it's selfish, I know it's something I did out of selfish reasons, but I just had to do it this way.

"Oh, Hayley... I'm never going to leave your side."

I know. I know, Aldrea. Trust me, I know....

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