Year 3 Chapter 4: The Butterfly Room

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At 3pm the next day, Y/ns party had officially started, Y/n was still upstairs with her friends, doing who knows what leaving Harry to scan the party for someone he could talk to.

Harry glanced around the party for people he'd recognised, almost all of them in conversation with someone.

Dean Thomas was there with Seamus Finnigan, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson and Oliver Wood were huddled together in discussion, Eloise Midgen was standing alone in a corner looking rather uncomfortable, Katie Bell was yelling at a student called 'McLaggen', Lavender Brown was stood talking to Padma and Pavarti Patil, Neville Longbottom was talking to Hannah Abbot and a dirty blonde girl and much to Harry's distaste, Malfoy and his Father were there, along with a handful of other Slytherin students.

Y/ns little sister Elowen was sat in a corner, chatting to a girl who looked eerily like Sable except her hair was blonder (the girl also seemed to be in a mixed state of surprise and awe when she looked around reminding Harry slightly of when he'd just been introduced to the wizarding world) and another who looked slightly like Maia except her hair was bright purple rather than blue. Elowen's hair was tied up into an intricate bun and she had a long forest green dress with puffed up sleeves, the other two girls had their hair down and were wearing simple dresses- one blue the other black.

A few meters away from Elowen stood Y/ns older cousin Maddy, talking peacefully to the boy Harry recognised as the Hufflepuff Seeker. Maddy Borealis was a fairly pretty 5th year in the Slytherin house, Harry had spoken to her a few times when she'd come to speak with Y/n, he'd noticed she was close friends with Fred and George Weasley and as he'd heard from Y/n 'tended to help them with their pranks in secret', she had neck length dark blonde hair and bright green eyes, she had lightly tanned skin that she tended to decorate with jewellery that she'd hide under her uniform.

Maddy wasn't wearing anything overly fancy, just a knee length black dress paired with a few necklaces and simple bracelets, Harry also noted that she was wearing what appeared to be a male's jacket and, as he'd also noticed, the Hufflepuff Seeker seemed to be missing his.

With another look around the party, Harry noted some well-dressed adult witches and wizards, huddled in small groups talking to each other, each of them giving off an air of importance. Harry doubted Y/n had willingly invited them.

The student Harry knew as Angel Flame was stood talking to a student Harry had often overheard Y/n referring to as Gaia Silver-born. Harry took one more look around the party before finally deciding to just wait for someone to approach him.

However, as he'd moved to place his hands in his pockets, he heard a murmuring throughout the partygoers, he glanced up at the stairs and saw Y/n walking down, followed by her group of friends, wearing a beautiful glittering lilac gown, decorated with flowers, and a glimmering necklace around her neck, despite the fact most of the party goers were better dressed then him it was her dress that made him wonder if he was underdressed, staring at her features Harry suddenly worried that maybe he wasn't looking as nice as he could, skin flushing as her hand lightly touched the stair banister.

Her hair was tied in a crown braid, something either one of her friends or her mother seemed to have done given how neat it was, the only strand of hair that was out of place was her white strand, falling over her face. There was a small tiara in her hair, which by the looks of things had been forced in by one of her friends, given how Maia kept stepping forward to push it harder against her scalp.

The rest of the group were wearing matching dresses in different colours, Maia's being a light green, Sable's blue and Fawn's pink. Maias hair was in a long braid, Fawn had her hair in a bun and Sable, like always had her hair down.

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