Year 3 Chapter 2: The Sightless Unicorn

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For those who cant read it:

Dear Diary,

Emily Dickenson once wrote:

'I have not told my garden yet,

Lest that should conquer me.

I have not quite the strength now

To break it to the bee.

I will not name it in the street,

For shops would stare, that I,

So shy, so very ignorant,

Should have the face to die.'

I just remembered they used to make us study her in muggle school.

Rather Glad I don't have to read that anymore.

-S.E (I still think this is stupid)

Shut up Sable, you're stupid.

Maia! I thought these entries were private!
We're all reading them.

Bitch. I'll hit you with my brick. Then kick your shins.

You wouldn't dare.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀

30 minutes passed and Y/n had eventually been dragged out of the Leaky Cauldron by Maia, Fawn and Sable who were yelling about a shop they'd found.

"Look Y/n, look at this place, it's so dark and spooky, kind of reminds me of the Slytherin common room," Maia said.

The group had dragged Y/n into a dark, rather sinister area, one she had never been in before yet recognised as a place she'd been forbidden to go in without her parents. Knockturn Alley. She felt an aura of malice around the area as they walked through, stopping in front of a shop.

"So why are we outside a place called... oh joy, Sightless Unicorn?" Y/n asked reading the name off a dusty sign.

"Because it's got some cool stuff inside, duh," Maia said, the two girls beside her nodding.

"Maia, this store literally has a picture of a unicorn with its eyes gouged out!" Y/n hissed pointing to the hanging sign in front of the store.

"So?" Maia shrugged walking into the store "Come on!"

Fawn and Sable walked in after Maia, Y/n pausing and rethinking her life decisions for a minute before quickly following.

The four looked around the store in awe, as dark and spooky as the store was, Maia was right, the store did have some cool stuff. From strange silver instruments and sparkling jewellery to books that screamed when you opened them and evil-looking masks, there were strange silver hands that would try and grab you when your limbs moved too close, a strange golden crown and a pair of dancing shoes. What caught Y/ns eye, however, were four small hand mirrors labelled as 'Two-way mirrors' why they were in a store full of such dark objects Y/n didn't know however she slowly picked one up and looked at it before deciding to get the four of them, placing them in her arms and making her way back over to her friends, Maia of whom was looking at jewellery, Sable was examining a CD case and Fawn was looking at the masks.

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