Year 3 Chapter 1: Diagon Alley

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A thirteen-year-old girl awoke with a start as three of her best friends ran into her room and jumped on her bed.

"Wake up Y/n! We're going shopping!" Her best friend Maia exclaimed dragging Y/n out of bed by her ankles.

"You girls are aware there's a thing called shaking? You could've done that." Y/n groaned as her head hit the floor.

"We'll do that next time." Sable shrugged "Now get up before I hit you with this brick I found."

Sable lifted a brick with one hand whilst Maia removed a strand of her shoulder-length blue hair out of her face, the bright red ends fading slightly.

"I'm up, I'm up." Y/n groaned sitting up.

"Good now come on, Crescent made breakfast." Fawn urged as Maia lifted Y/n to her feet.

Y/ns friends Fawn Inkwood, Sable Everglade and Maia Starr had been hanging out with her all summer, spending the nights at each other's houses (Fawn and Sable's houses weren't connected to the Floo network so to go to their houses they'd sneak on muggle transport or get a parent to apparate them) often sleeping over, they'd all decided to stay the final two nights of the summer at Y/n's house, Fawn and Sable's parents would meet them at the train station to say goodbye whereas Maia's had said goodbye the night before.

Maia Starr had bright blue hair down to her shoulders, her eyes were bright green, and she spoke with a faint southern accent- due to the fact she was born in America, she was a Slytherin and had been Y/ns best friend since before they even officially started Hogwarts, Maia also had been on the Slytherin Quidditch team as a Chaser since their second year (A feat she thought was so great that she hunted Y/n down in the courtyard and tackled her in a hug as she excitedly told her about it- then encouraged her to join the Gryffindor team). Sable Everglade had very light curly brown hair (Her hair was such a light brown that in some lighting it looked blonde), she usually wore her hair out, she had green eyes, Sable was a Ravenclaw and had some... violent tendencies (She'd once gotten detention for kicking another students knees out because they touched her hair, then another for kicking Y/n in the face for mocking her) however they oriented more towards her friends then other students- thankfully. Fawn Inkwood had brown hair with light blue streaks at the front, she usually wore her hair in a bun, so it stayed out of her face, she had brown eyes covered by the golden-rimmed glasses she wore. Fawn, like Y/n was in Gryffindor, although she and Sable only became friends with her when they'd cornered her and Maia in the library after they'd blown up Draco Malfoy's cauldron in first year.

Each friend had a small bronze key around their neck, hidden beneath their clothes, their suitcases already packed bar the few items they'd need to get from Diagon Alley.

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