The Buildup of Devastation

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A/N: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not the beginning of the Azur Lane story, but the first chapter about how both cruisers came into the timeline of the KANSEN. AI deepl writing was used to smooth out some parts, but expect some inconsistencies, especially since English isn't my first language, but my second.

Have fun, and don't worry, there won't be too many chapters like this, unless you want to read stories like this and not 5 minute short stories, which won't happen, I promise.


20th of April 2035

Time: 1230 hours, 6 hours until sundown

Of the Coast of Bornholm, island of Denmark

Task Force from both 1st and 2nd Einsatzflotilla

Baltische Einsatzflotte

Position: 80 km off Rügen, 5 km off Bornholm

End of the World Clock: 5 seconds until midnight


It was a rather warm day for autumn. It was slightly cloudy, with a light breeze blowing across the Baltic Sea, weighing down every ship outside the harbors. It was a great day for swimming, if you dared to swim in the cold Baltic Sea and its treacherous currents, or for fishing off the coast or on a boat, preferably one that didn't have a leak, because a rough wave would bracket the side of the ship and instantly sink, forcing the DZGrs to be sent out to conduct a SaR (Search and Rescue) for you and whoever else was on board.

Near the coast of Bornholm, an island of Denmark, 85 km off the coast of Rügen and 35 km off the coast of Sweden, the first cruiser squadron of the German Navy was stationed under the command of Einsatzflotille 2, the second of three major units of the German Navy. It accommodates the 2nd and 4th Frigate Squadrons, the tankers and all other logistic units. Like the 1st Einsatzflotille, it is headquartered in Wilhelmshaven. After a welcoming procession in Southeast and Northeast Asia, the cruisers were quickly dispatched to the Baltic Sea, docking at Haiphong, Vietnam, Jakarta on the Java Islands of Indonesia, Singapore, and Manila, the Philippines, before finally arriving in Tokyo, Japan. Both cruisers were quickly briefed on their new assignments, refueled, rearmed, and inspected before departing to join the other ships of the fleet.

Supposedly Qindao, CCP, were the two cruisers escorted by the 1st Frigate Squadron, but the CCP, due to the incident years earlier, still harbored resentment and attempted to intercept the fleet with their newest addition to the PLAN, CV-001 and CV-002, and land-based aircraft as they passed the island of Taiwan, but due to bad weather they missed the interception schedule.

Meanwhile, the German task force was now passing Bornholm, with their new mission sent to them by paper, to prevent any radio interception between the naval command and the flotilla. The Task Force, which includes both Leipzig (CG-01) and Nuremberg (CG-01), also includes the 1st and 2nd Frigate Squadrons and the 1st Corvette Squadron.

Task Force Baltische Flotte (commanded by Rank of Flotillenadmiral [Fleet Admiral])

1. Kreuzerflotilla:

--Leipzig (Flagship),


--assisted by one Oste-Class (Klasse 423)

- 1. Frigattegeschwader:

--Braunschweig (F260)

--Köln (F265)

Azur Lane: Leipzig Missile Cruiser ClassWhere stories live. Discover now