Operation Alacrity

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If the name is cursive than the ship is mentioned, if it isn't but in normal writing form, then the shipgirl is mentioned.

20th of December, 1941

Time: 0020 hours

75 km of the shores of the Azores (Iberian Union)

Joint Combined Multinational Force


And today is the day, where the Azores, captured by the Sirens in the mid-1930s, will be brought back under Iberian Control. The Equilibrium of Power in the Entrance of the Gibraltar Strait towards the Mid- and Southern Atlantic was threatened by the capture of those strategic islands.

Thus, the Iberians asked for support by their Neighbors, but the Iris Orthodoxy was still occupied in the defense of their strategic colonies (abundant resources) and their people (laborers). The British meanwhile was too occupied in the defense of the routes in and out of the Indian Ocean and their Dominions (Oceania).

The Benelux were also too occupied in modernising their fleet and suffered heavy casualties in defending their colonial subjects and ports. The Sardegnians, while wanting to help, had suffered heavy damages to their Marina and Kansen by a sudden attack onto Sizily and the strategic port of Taranto, where their Battleships and Heavy Cruisers were stationed.

The Eagle Union were too far away to help in any meaningful way, as they also had to protect and support their coastlines and their neighbors in the Americans and the Pacific, but sent support in the form of „leased hulls" of Clemson and Fletcher ships, the latter had reached a number 500 mass produced vessels (American Shipbuilding go BRRRRR), and newer weapons for defensive countermeasures.

Another would have been the Ottoman Empire, but their ambassador to said empire reported two months ago that a revolution caused the nation's rebirth and is called the 'Crescent Moon Empire'. It is now a secular constitutional Suzerian state, so the politics are a bit confusing to get a likely sufficient answer in time.

In the end, the Weimar Republic answered their call for help, for a fee, of course. But while the fee dampened the Iberian government's mood somewhat, the price to gain their precious islands was too high, and they readily agreed to the demands before even reading them.

The ambassador of the Weimar Republic quickly noted that the demands would be about tarriffs and port access, so the Iberian Government officials looked over (swiftly) and accepted.

The demands follow:

- Tarriffs of imported goods maximum of 5% of price

- Set Tarriffs are not to be changed for 5 years

- Azores will be jointly secured and garrisoned

- Port Access in: La Coruna, Lisbon, Palma, Valencia, Tanger, the Azores Island, Canary Islands

Multinational Joint Invasion Fleet

Iberian Side: Admiral Salvador Moreno Fernández

1. Battleship Division: Alfonso XIII****, Jaime I****, Reina Victoria Eugenia

1. Cruiser Division: Canarias

- 1. Cruiser Squadron: Cervera*, Méndez Nunez

- 2. Cruiser Division: Baleares

- 2. Cruiser Squadron: Navarra**, Almirante Cervera

1. Destroyer Division: NRP Afonso de Albuquerque

- 1. Destroyer Squadron: NRP Antioquia, NRP Vouga

Azur Lane: Leipzig Missile Cruiser ClassWhere stories live. Discover now