Interlude II - The Economic Alliance / Intermarium

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This Interlude will (primarly) focus onto the Economic Alliance and how it works.

Obviously foreign and internal politics will be also handled. Mostly about the non-existant "Germanophobe" by the Poles to the Germans in their now aquired territory. Took a while to figure it out. And the possibility of "Second Class Citizens" with the Intermarium *on crack*.

Seriously, included in this Confederacy was;

- Second Polish Republic

- Lithuania

- Belarus

- Ukriane

- Romania

- Latvia

- Estonia

- Finland

- Czech Republic & Slovakia

- Yugoslawia

- Hungary

Yea... no... We are simply staying with Poland, Lithuania (partly) and a strip of Slovakia. Can't be too large or everyone are aiming their guns at the "Zwischenmeer" (Intermarium).

Here is also a video about the Interwar period of the Second Polish Republic (from 1918 to 1939).


The first stage of the Versailles Peace Treaty was the establishment of a sovereign state for the Polish nationality. The Poles, on the other hand, wanted not only a state for themselves, but also their original size: the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with the states of Belarus and Ukraine. Due to the establishment of the Northern Parliament and the subsequent Polish-Soviet War in the early 1920s, this didn't happen.

What happened was that the plan to resettle (expel) the Germans living in their new provinces had to be postponed and later canceled. The reason was very simple:

The Sirens and their blockade in the Baltic Sea.

While the Polish government hoped that this threat would disappear in earnest, it didn't, but it got worse. The established Free City of Gdansk (Danzig), the only active port available for trade between the Western world (Iris Orthodoxy, Eagle Union, British Federation), was under constant threat of destruction by the harassing Siren fleets, which were getting closer and closer.

Only by the German navy, stationed in Gdansk as a compromise for trade, and in Königsberg the worst was avoided.

But this protection was temporary due to their "Germanophobic" plans, as they still needed to build shipyards to build their escort and merchant fleet, and the said available shipyards were in Gdansk. The ports in Lithuania were not yet available and the current unrest, as the Lithuanians are treated as second class citizens, did not help at all.

So the Polish government decided to do something radical: they withdrew their plans to expel the Germans still living in western Poland (West Prussia) and began systematically kicking out the anti-German officials. In this way, they hoped to ease tensions between the two sides and gain better leverage in trade negotiations.

German classes resumed. German teachers and professors regained their ability to educate students. German workers who had been fired by their anti-Semitic and anti-German colleagues were reinstated and given new jobs.

Even Jews, who had also been subjected to such treatment, were returned to their former lives. While some had to start over, others were simply allowed to return to work and live as if nothing had happened.

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