A new World, same Politics

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As you can see in the title, I am running out of titles.

Oh well, have fun. Also to everyone that thinks the Kansen came with them...

I didn't say that, that was you guys.


Just as you think nothing can get any worse-

F. Adm.: *groan* "What... happened?"

Mate #36: "Sir, lay down, please. The intruder had breached the through the second turret and has gravely injured you. You might have possibly internal bleeding so don't move too much."

F. Adm.: "What is the status of the intruder?"

Ensign: "The intruder was stopped just short of the server room, but managed to escape by what we would call it a portal. Damage control is attempting to stop the heavy fire."

At the same time, a pair of paramedics arrive with a stretcher, as the crew, seeing the F. Adm. being launched from one side to the other, decided it would be best to let the high-ranking officer rest for a while.

While this was happening, both cruisers were quickly integrated into the Ironblood fleet, which sent a wireless telegraph to headquarters in Kiel. From there, a series of events will unfold. The fleet, having reached it's destination one way or another, set course for Kiel.

On the Bridge of both Leipzig and Nürnberg the radio crackled, after being connected to the communication tower.

Tirpitz: "[Attention to both Cruisers. We will throw a tow line to your ships. We will tow you to Kiel. From there on we will proceed further with the talks. The dockyards are being informed of your situation and status and the local military fire brigade is being assembled]"

On the bridges, there is a sense of relief and gratitude, but also concern. Many were able to see the Tirpitz up close, but saw that instead of the infamous Nazi swastika, a black [X] is painted in a red circle. Nonetheless, the crew was happy to see a similar city. In a few hours, they would dock and disembark to tend to the wounded and assess the damage.

Meanwhile, a firefighter discreetly changed his uniform. They didn't know it, but the inspector on board, who had been 'hiding' out of sight and telling everyone not to bother him, had changed into a firefighter's uniform. When he saw the fire near the server room, he began to extinguish it, until he was interrupted by the Purifier.

Meanwhile, Tirpitz made a shocking discovery: the names of the ships. "Leipzig and Nürnberg?! Perhaps..." She began to think and added it to her report to Naval Headquarters.


25th of September, 1941

Time: 0300 hours

Kiel, HQ


In a militaristic, but late 19th century brick building, decorated with two black and red flags on either side of the entrance doors and a black-red-gold tricolor above the door and on a five-meter-high flagpole, is the main building of the Military Command of both the Reichsmarine and Eisenblut of the Weimar Republic.

At this very moment, even though it is still pitch black, there is a fairly active flow of foot and radio traffic to and from the communications room of this very building.

Azur Lane: Leipzig Missile Cruiser ClassWhere stories live. Discover now