Hello Northern Parliament!

38 1 5

Counterattack Russian style!


10th of January, 1942

Eastern Siberia

Russian Far East

Time: 0655 hours


On the frozen steppes of the Siberian tundra, two field armies were assembled, consisting of several divisions of motorized infantry, armored guard units, rocket artillery, and various reconnaissance and field hospital detachments. Closer to the front lines, Field Repair Stations were built to repair and maintain any fielded vehicle, wheeled or tracked, and restore it to combat readiness.

Since the Sirens failed to accomplish any of their goals, other than securing the Kamchakta Peninsula and the easternmost tip of the Northern Parliament's reach, right next to Alaska, the Trans-Siberian Railway was maintained to a high standard by a large number of Sakuran field engineers and local civilians (both Russian, Chinese, and Sakuran), with trains passing by every minute without any delays.

The Russian Army, after the devestating great war and the subsequent civil war, escalated by the revolutions, had essentially lost many veterans and experienced soldiers from the failing Western Front (for Imperial German High Command it was the Eastern Front). the rebuilding was also excarcebated by corruption and bureaucratic mayhem by the Civilian Government, attempting to focus solely on Civilian goods, instead of the current Siren threat.

Only through the Kansens, especially Avrora threatening to shoot Parliament, again, did they finally listen and focused on repairing the defunct military forces. The only problem was now on what to focus. Each military branch was equally important.

The Ground branch was important in terms of ground combat, protection from external threats, defense of installations, and general upkeep of maintenance and other equipment. The Navy branch was important in terms of keeping the Sirens away from the Russian coastlines and the general population. The Air Force branch (under the Ground Army) needed new fighters to keep up with the air forces of neighboring states and the 3-dimensional warfare of the Sirens and other dissidents, still hostile to the Northern Parliament, Air Force.

The bulk of the earlier reconstruction budget was initially allocated to the army. Unfortunately, many of the Russian field-promoted generals, colonels, lieutenants, and brigadiers acted as warlords in their assigned zones, terrorizing local minorities with impunity. Many of these minorities had once supported the Red Army in order to gain favors and not be punished for "allegedly" supporting the equally ruthless White Army. Most of the allocated budget was essentially wasted on mass killings and extermination.

In the end, up to 75% of the newly defined budget was given to the Navy and its subordinate Air Force. With the threat looming on every coastline, the corrupt admirals and commanders were quickly removed and purged to avoid any treasonous mischief or worse than the Army could have done.

Fortunately, the Army still received a budget and weapons tests for infantry and mechanized forces were developed. Many of these vehicles and weapons never left the experimental stage.

However, through relentless testing and sheer willpower, the research and development teams succeeded in creating blueprints for mass production, allowing the Russian Army to be rebuilt from the ground up.

35th Field Army (General Lavr Georgiyevich Kornilov)

- 5th Rifle Brigade

- 8th Rifle Brigade

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