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Every ship has to be commissioned, right? Can't send a crew, unfamiliar with the ship(girl) directly into combat. That would be stupid and just asking for disaster.


12th of November, 1941

Wilhelmshaven, Military Harbor


After yesterday's... shock... success? Whatever you call it. Anyway, the German sailors were then taken to their designated hotels, motels, or simple barracks while the higher-ups and high-ranking officers discussed the situation. Exactly: How to deal with the clear and strict difference in their attitude. Previously, they had been very shy (Leipzig) or very overprotective (Nuremberg). With such a drastic change, there is concern that their empathy and former interaction with their sisters-in-arms has been removed.

Though that question was quickly nonfounded as Elbing managed to get an reaction out of them by questioning them what they want to do in the near future; opening up a bakery.

Meanwhile Prinz Eugen, noticing that both girls chest became slightly more volumptous, decided to pay them a visit in the mess hall. She wanted to tease them by grabbing both bosoms at the same time and snarking a remark at them.





As it turns out, during the connection to the modern ships of the 21st century, both the Leipzig and the Nürnberg got an upgrade in terms of self-defense. Did you know that the Special Forces are trained in Takewando and Jinsitsu? Yes, they are, including the black belt.

Prinz Eugen now has a broken left arm, a broken right arm, a bruised buttocks (which she complains makes it impossible to sit), three broken ribs (requiring surgery), and an open fracture in her left leg.

Leipzig and Nürnberg would have killed her, too, if Bismarck and Friedrich der Große hadn't intervened; the former was about to snap Eugen's neck in two, while the latter almost tore her head off. A note was given to the other "sadistic" shipgirls not to tempt fate.


13th of November, 1941

Testing grounds (slightly damaged)

Note: Clean Up in progress...


In the testing range the Admirals and other high ranking officers and shipgirls were spectating the commissioning of the shipgirls. As of now the Kansen will learn on how to handle their riggings first and how good they can aim, fire, withstand and counter attacks. The first test would be testing the range of both guns and missiles, their detection range, survivability and Air defense and submarine counters. Though the last was quickly removed as the F.Adm. and Inspector informed them that the ships were only build to fight surface targets, while purpose build ships would deal with submerged threats.

FdG: "Today, my children, we will test your personal skills with your new equipment. First, we will test your firing range with obsolete radio-controlled ships. Don't worry if you destroy them, we would have used them as blockade ships or scrapped them altogether."

F.Adm.: "20 euros they sink the ship with one salvo."

Monika: "Oh you, this will happen. The heavy armor-piercing capped ballistics MKIIs (APCB II) will cut through the Krupp MK I turtleback armor of the Pre-Dreadnought with ease. Speaking of Pre-Dreadnought: Whose ship is that?"

Azur Lane: Leipzig Missile Cruiser ClassWhere stories live. Discover now