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Translation: Surprise!

Handsigns are a neat way to silently attack a positions.


In the parking lot turned Forward Flagpoint the Cultists were gathering their troops for a final decisive push towards the docks and the warhouses, to finally secure the infamous Ironblood and Weimar Naval HQ and stationed Naval force. Their plan is to secure the ships and any remaining shipgirls, the latter for the Sirens as 'gratitude' for their co-existance and cooperation in eliminating such significant thorn in their eye.

For Observer this was a rather weird task but a goldmine for data gathering. While the Leviathans have finally been forced into a loophole, from which they can't escape, the chances still exists that some escaped. But nontheless the greed for data and boredom let them to experiment further and soon they found how to gather humans for their 'mission'.

If there are enough people who aren't satisfied with what they have, they will do whatever they can to gain such absurd victory over everyone else, including family members that always supported them. Some simply want an audience, and others simply needed an anchor and a simple goal that they achieve to have some sambles of order in life.

Goebbels was one of them. Once a mere child wanting to fight for his country, his emperor, but after family crisis after family crisis that led to him losing his job and his only anchor (his wife) he became desperate and sought to punish the ones who wronged him. The Jews were his targets  but he choose lately that the Government and their fruitless war against such force was futile. He joined anti-war protest, was arrested, released and rinse and repeat.

That was until he was approached by a cultist (curtesy by Observer) and soon joined their ranks. Later the leader of the cult and paramilitary quickly admonished Goebbels skills with the television and gatherings and urged to his superiors (Sirens) to give them the ability to further expand their network of Siren followers. They needed a strong and non-interruptable connection to the state television and radio to have the ears of the people to listen to them. It was obvious the commonfolk also suffers under such endless and futile war, and if the telecommunications by the government can be easily attacked and taken over?

Surely people would join them en masse. The Observer sympathized with their request and, with the help of the Intruders, gathered the necessary equipment to build a telecommunications tower that could also generate a mirror sea. And why not use a weak attack on the main naval station of the Kansen and the Reichsmarine as the first overwhelming force? This will definitely crush their hopes and dreams, allowing them to expand their following and secure an entire nation full of vital resources, including the salt mine where the first Wisdom Cubes were found.

To accomplish this, the Loyalists in the military, from a mere cadet to an ex-general, managed to get a large number of experienced and well-trained soldiers and NCOs on their side. This was phenomenal for all Sirens, especially the Arbiters, to see how quickly people can change sides, no matter how successful their homeland is in terms of fighting and what advantages they have. Of course, this has the effect of making them look for possible countermeasures in case some humans, no matter how and why, join the Leviathan side.

For now, however, these soldiers have been able to secretly bring in various armor and small arms to attack and decapitate the current problem; the Ironblood Kansen. In any other timeline or dimension, they would join the cause of the Sirens, or at least use the Sirens' technology to fight the Azure Lane faction members, who were usually too thinly spread to stop the onslaught from both sides.

But not here. The Reichsmarine and the Weimar government gave these Kansen exactly what many timelines never did (which is surprising, given how little has happened): Rights.

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