🇷🇺x🇨🇵 pretty words, sinful secrets Russia x France

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This is the heavily edited and much shorter first try for those two. I did not have the motivation to make this longer, I'm sorry. But considering that I actually never wanted to publish it and am not that proud of it, it's fine. The end feels rushed in my opinion, but let me know what you think and have fun!
Btw I started it the same night that this was requested.
Requested by: clair_de_lune-
Words: 1930

It's all too much for him right now. Things have really been going downhill for over a year now and he couldn't do much about it. Propaganda, wars, tensions, conflicts, demands, it was all getting too much for him. He was just expected to work and function without a break, but surprise that's not how it works. As a countryhuman he might have been stronger than a regular man, still he was human.
Russia let out a long sigh, he hadn't been able to catch a break in ages, nor get any kind of relief, or opportunity to see his lover. France regularly sent him letters, he just hadn't really had the time to write back to her. She could write so beautifully, her handwriting looked perfect every time and she always seemed to find the right words, no one would ever suspect a thing. Even Russia himself was still surprised every time she gave vivid and detailed descriptions of things so sinful...
He would lock himself in the bedroom of his house, close the curtains and only then, when he was sure to be completely alone, undisturbed, opened and read her letters. He rather liked to be the one to receive pleasure than to work for it and give it. France knew that, she was completely fine with ity and always found new ways to use his submissive nature to her advantage. Only in the bedroom tho. He'd end up begging and obeying her like a docile pet time and time again. Somehow, he couldn't quite pinpoint when it started or how it developed, but she managed to get him to obey her every command, no matter if she voiced it, or if it was written down in a letter. Hands off meant hands off, lay down meant lay down, no matter if she was there or not.
He snapped out of his daydreaming and back to reality when loud, hectic, almost frantic, knocking on his door and someone calling out to him wouldn't stop. While taking his time to collect himself the constant noise got on his nerves.
"Yes? What is it?" He finally gave up on getting his tie back in place and almost hissed the question at the door, annoyance clearly burned itself into his tone. It sounded dark and threatening.
"You have a visitor, sir. The French Republic is here and demands to talk to you, alone." The man had obviously picked up on his tone and sounded like he was frightened and in a rush to leave again. He spoke up once more, even quieter now.
"She sounds very determined, sir. She'll probably do what she wants anyways." He muttered the rest barely loud enough for Russia to hear, it that was intended is up for debate. They all had learned that France herself was a force to be reckoned. By now, no one in this building would dare stand in her way.
"Tell her she is welcome to join me in my office and make sure no one comes near my office for the rest of the night. This conversation is for her and me to have and no one else to witness." His tone was now stern and he spoke fast. Excitement and nervousness bubbled up within him and the second it took the man outside his door to answer felt like a never ending hour.
"Of course sir. She'll be here in a moment and I'll have everybody instructed to avoid this part of the building." The sound of fast paced steps now slowly died down as the man left to follow Russia's instructions. In his head he imagined Russia would not want anyone to witness the torture he was gonna go through in the next hours. Wanting to keep up a strong and undoubtedly powerful image of himself. He felt sorry for him, all he had ever seen from that woman was unbearable behavior, making him fear the time he had to spend interacting with her.

"You know I don't like your incompetent excuses of staff members." The poor door to his office flung open and France's voice cut through the fog in his mind instantly. He snapped his head up and sat straight right away.
"Why didn't you come to greet me yourself?" She asked. It sounded more like a demand, it probably, no definitely, was intended that way.
"I'm very busy at the moment and-" his half hearted, tired attempt to excuse himself and not get verbally decapitated was cut off.
"Excuses! You lazy piece of shit were sitting here daydreaming just now." Her loud voice was sharp as a blade and the pace of her words almost punishing to his exhausted mind.
"And why the fuck are you waste of space still here?" Now she stared to tear his poor employee a new one. She could be insufferable to be around with other people present.
"Do you not have anything better to do than be a disturbance?" Both the man and Russia winced at her harsh words. He almost stumbled over his own words when trying to give her an answer that would not aggravate her even more.
"No-, I mean yes miss. I'll leave you alone immediately. I'm very sorr-"
"Get away already!" She was almost screaming now, so the man just hurriedly stumbled out, closed the door behind him and left.
With his leave her demeanor changed and she turned to face Russia.
"Baby... you look dead inside. You didn't look this bad the last time I saw you. Why haven't you replied to even a single one of my letters?" She asked in an almost sickening sweet tone. He could not face her, so he laid his head in his hands, elbows resting on the table.
"I haven't had time... and I've just been too exhausted lately. It's all just-" A sob unwillingly left his throat. "It's been so much..." His voice raised into a higher pitch. She hadn't even done anything in particular. Just the soft tone her voice took on now made him fall apart and the bundled up stress all slowly came loose.
"Oh, baby..." her voice and eyes softened and she went and stood by his side to press his head against her chest in a comforting manner.
"You need a break." She started scratching the back of his head softly. She knew he easily tended to overwork himself for others. It was just in his nature to help and protect.
"I can't." He whispered.
"I can't take a break, my work will just pile up even more and the problems will get worse and, and-" She shushed him to stop his rambling.
"Baby," He turned his chair away from the desk and lifted his head. His left arm went to wrap around her waist and pull her closer. The right behind her back to press his hand between her shoulder blades. "You need a break. More importantly you need to listen to your lover." Her tone of voice was still ever so soft, it just grew firmer as she talked.
"All this suffering you're putting yourself through won't change the world around you. And that's not your fault, it's theirs." Her voice carried a certain, skillfully restrained, anger, but also hurt with it as she spoke. Hurt to see her beloved Russia in a state like this, because he wanted to help others.
"They'll only learn to value your efforts if they don't benefit from them anymore." Russia knew she spoke the truth and it hurt so deeply to know that, but she continued despite his pain.
"The people will eventually forget your words, but they won't forget how you made them feel. They won't forget your good deeds, and they won't believe in propaganda that badmouths you. If they hold gratitude in their hearts and see your suffering, they'll turn against the one that broke you down." Her words only served to deepen his pain. She was right, he knew that, he saw it now. They weren't thankful in the slightest bit, they didn't value his efforts and work.
"But they already believe in the propaganda. It's useless, they won't see me, they won't see my people, for who we are, but for who we were made out to be by others and how we can be of use to them. Afterwards they can discard us like simple trash." It hurt so good to speak his mind freely and know he wasn't judged. Her next words however, he never even thought about it.
"Then stop." Blatant and dry.
"What!?" His head shot up to look at her face. There was not a trace of doubt to be found within her features. He stopped to quietly admire her beauty, it had been far to long since he'd last done that.
"Then stop." She repeated just as dry, her face turning serious.
"If it's useless then let the weight go. Let it sink away, or else it will end up dragging you down deep and drowning you." She took his face in her hands again and got closer. They could feel each other's breaths on their faces and necks.
"And if you don't want to let go entirely, keep a rope tied to it and reel it back in, pull it back up to you, when it's lighter. When you have the strength and time to care for it." His eyes were wide with love and adoration, yes, she was older than him, she was wiser and he realized it then and there. He really should listen to his lover more often and let some weights drop. She pulled him towards herself and he pushed upwards. Their eyes closed and lips met in a soft, but passionate kiss. He stood there, hunched over to her height, she stood there on her tiptoes to get as close to him as possible. It stayed that way for a while, just two lovers kissing one another over and over again. Filled with love and joy. In each other's warm embraces. As they unwillingly had to part after some time, a low growl of Russia's stomach made them aware of this unexpected meetings circumstances again. Russia's cheeks took on an almost unnoticeable purplish hue, although France would never miss those little details about him. She chuckled quietly.
"Let's get out of here and make you something good to eat, shall we?"
"Only if you stay with me for a while. I got a bit of time now you know? Someone cleared my calendar."
"How could I ever refuse such a request?"
They shared a last kiss before sneaking out and running off to Russia's house. Somewhere on the way there the man noticed France's struggles with her slight heels. In one swift motion he had her gasping in shock as she was hoisted up into his arms and he ran through the streets carrying her.
Just like he would once, the ring his trusted jeweler was making for her at the moment was on her finger and she wore a beautiful dress in front of the altar.

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