🇩🇪x🇯🇵 Movie night Germany x Japan

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So this is shorter than usual and just plain bad. I just couldn't get it to flow right and didn't know what else to add to it and for being the twentieth oneshot in this book it is really just disappointing...
So it took ages and the result is bad, sorry for that.

On a side note tho, I'm working on a lovely request right now and still like the way it's turning out so that'll probably be the next thing you'll get even before the last two chapter for the 1k.... yeah we're just at 1.4k so far, no big difference or anything I shouldn't move my damn ass and finish the two for Scotland and Ireland already, no...

Hope someone can still find a bit of joy in this, have a good day/night!

Words: 687

The thunder had always been scary to her. It came so sudden, rattled the world and then left without a trace. Additionally thunder also brought lightning, wind and rain in a stormy blend of unpleasant, if not at times unbearable weather. And that could mess with all kinds of things, like it did right now. There was a power outage. It would be there for at least another hour, a pain in the ass. Speaking of pain, her stomach hurt and she hated this. She knew for a fact that her brother did too, they always used to hide in a pillow fort as kids and wait for their father to come. He always brought his sword to protect them and an old book to read different stories to them till they fell asleep.

But oh well... they'd make the most of it. Right now Japan was using her phone's flashlight to gather every blanket and pillow in their apartment and add it to the already huge pile of pillows, blankets and stuffed animals on their bed. It wasn't like the forts she and her brother built as kids, but it was something, it was different but good nonetheless.

Germany was gathering snacks and her laptop, so the two of them could watch a movie together.
Then finally after about 15 minutes they sat together on the bed. Fairy Lights slightly illuminated the room around them and what felt like fifty blankets kept them warm and cozy.

"You comfortable kitty?" Germany chuckled. Japan had gathered every pillow and stuffed animal she could find, which considering her obsession with them, was a whole lot, but didn't use even a single one to rest her head on. No, that's what the German's chest was for. What else was it supposed to do? Look pretty? No, it was and would stay her pillow.
"Very!" She purred as she pressed herself closer to her girlfriend and wrapped around her.
"That's good..."

They quickly let silence fall between them as Germany searched for a fitting movie in their downloads. Small glances, hums and huffs, little whines, or the occasional push against the other served as communication. There was a bit of silent bickering between the two, mainly just playful teasing. Until they came to an agreement, tonight they would watch 'How to train your dragon'. Possibly all three movies in a row, but that's dependent on how tired they'd get with time.

As the movie started, they fell back into their usual pattern. Japan traced lines and circles over Germany's belly and side, purring slightly as her girlfriend scratched her head and ears. She loved playing with Japan's hair and the short fur on her pointy ears. It often ended with Japan falling asleep on her and then later on waking up to different braids in her hair.

As the movie progressed, the purring got louder, braids got more and more, white hands on golden skin moved less and less and bags were slowly emptying.
In the end, both were already asleep as the credits started rolling and didn't notice the electricity coming back.
It was just them, huddled up in a mountain of soft and fluffy fabrics, being at peace with one another in their little safe space in the middle of Berlin.

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