🇷🇺x🇨🇳 Stay the night Russia x China

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Hello! Inconsistent upload schedule who? I never had that happen... no...
So anyways, it seems I'm fast as fuck again, woo!

This was requested by: Birby_birdy
Thank you for the request, I had a lot of fun with it!

How would you guys feel about a soul mate AU oneshot, where they find their soul mate with a compass and their connection lets them faintly feel each other's emotions and pain they experience? Something of this sort... but the soul mates don't have to end up as lovers, but there's also cases where they just end up being best friends.

Got any wishes or request on what countries to use for that and how they'd end up? I'm very open for different ideas, if not I'll probably use GE and RE again, I love this ship far too much.

Anyways, have fun reading!

Words: 1683

Perhaps he should have known that Russia wouldn't mean watching a movie and talking when he said he'd come over to cheer him up. Perhaps he should have asked North Korea to come over instead.
Perhaps he didn't mind Russia slowly inching closer to him and snaking an arm around his waist.

It had started about a week ago when his government once again decided to give him hell and five people's work. The week had been terrible, filled with missed deadlines, berating from what felt like twenty different people and unpaid overtime. But it was finally over, he had managed to finish everything he needed to for this week yesterday and and with a free day ahead of him, asked Russia to come over to get his mind off work.

Russia had gladly accepted his invitation, but seemed to have interpreted 'to get my mind off things' a bit differently, quite a bit.
He had arrived half an hour before dinner and they just talked till it was ready. Afterwards both of them changed into more comfortable loose fitting clothes and settled on China's couch. It was pretty big and very comfortable as he liked to have visitors over and sometimes they just stayed the night there and left the next morning.

Russia had slept on said couch more than once or twice himself. China often took him home with himself when he got drunk, just to make sure he didn't get in trouble or anything.
He brought some games and a movie to watch with him today. They had played for a few hours, alternating between different video games and board or card games. China's mood lifted greatly in the time he spent with the Russian and now, as a few hours had passed and it was more so the earliest morning hours than the late night  they just put on the movie Russia brought along and sat back on the couch.

At least they did so till Russia started his advances on China. It all started out so harmlessly as he got closer and closer, then laid his arm across the other's shoulder. He didn't think anything of it, Russia had done weirder stuff when he was drunk before and they had been closer, even in sober moments. It was only when he moved the arm away from his shoulders and snaked it around his waist to gingerly pull him right up against his side that he noticed the shift in the atmosphere. Russia moved his hand slightly, always in careful circular motions between his hip and ribs. He didn't know how to react, how should he, no man had ever made advances on him like this, especially not a trusted friend. His mind threw all kinds of questions at him.
Should he stop Russia?
Should he just let him be?
Would that affect their friendship?
Is this even appropriate?

Did he actually mind this at all...?
That caught his attention, it was a completely different train of thought. One he liked better than the stoic and professional.
Did he himself like what was happening?

He did... and he knew he longed for human contact for a long time now. He loved the soft touch of a cold hand on his shirt, wanted it under his shirt directly on his warm skin. He wanted to feel the stark contrast of their different body temperatures, wanted to feel the rough and calloused skin on his own. He wanted to feel the strength Russia usually hid under layers of fabric and see the man's muscles move under his skin. He wanted to see and feel all of him, everywhere.

But he didn't have a clue on how to communicate that, except for not stopping the Russian and letting him explore his body at his own pace.

Russia observed China closely. He took in every minimal change in his facial expressions and slowly but surely found the man growing restless in his arm. Eyes darting from one side to the other as if he were chasing after his thoughts with them, his lips occasionally lifting from one another and then pressing into a slim line as if they caged in his voice. His jaw was clenching and relaxing, as were the muscles on his neck and shoulders.

He was nervous, that much was obvious, but was he nervous to tell him to back off, or was anticipation making him restless? For Russia there was only one way to find out and so he did. He leaned in closer and slipped his hand underneath China's shirt while he reached around and rested the other on his half exposed left thigh. China's body went rigid, muscles tense and face drowning in an even darker shade of red that reached up to the tips of his ears as Russia breathed against the side of his neck. His chin slowly lifted from the tense shoulder and he practically glued his mouth to China's ear and whispered against the sensitive lobe, "You like this, don't you?" If he didn't this would turn awkward really quick, but he was willing to take the chance.

China's eyes were wide and his mouth slightly agape as he turned his head in the Russian's direction, almost careful with how slow he did it.
China was amazed with Russia's ability to read body language, but couldn't stand the ice blue gaze that met his own golden eyes. He quickly looked away again and gave a timid, almost shy, little nod to confirm his suspicions.

A satisfied, low hum resounded from deep within Russia's throat as he got his anticipated response and turned to licking a long stripe up from China's shoulder to his jawline, triggering a sudden jolt at the unexpected, but welcomed contact. Then he took to carefully nibbling on the ear and placing little pecks against it as he spoke up again and further captivated him with only his voice and soft touches.
"Allow me to take care of you for tonight then..."
The request was spoken in a low, gravelly voice and rubbed China in all the right ways.
The response was silent and barely audible, but filled with oh so much emotion.
"Please do..."

The first rays of golden sunlight filtered through the half closed curtains and hit China's face. He just groaned and turned away from the haunting presence that reminds him he'd have to get up eventually. As he turned to get away from it, he ended up hitting something solid and warm and not at all like his mattress. His head shot up and momentarily panicked, groggy eyes looked at the man underneath him. Russia just smiled up at him and laughed as he remembered last night and turned bright red again. He buried himself in the other's broad chest and covered himself with his blanket.
"Morning sugar, slept well after our night of fun?" Russia just laughed and patted the blanket where he felt the Chinese's head laid on his chest. The rattling laughter shook China and eased up his embarrassment as the events of the last night came flooding back to him. God he'd have to move out if his neighbors heard all his moaning and begging for Russia to-

"You hungry?" Russia piped up, interrupting his train of thought and memories, "Cause I could really use something to eat after that workout yesterday night." He continued as he lifted up the blanket and looked at China, who just stared at him. Wide eyed and flushed red from ear to ear.
"Y-yeah, I eh-, I could use something to eat..." He stammered out as he again found himself avoiding Russia's piercing blue eyes out of fear he'd get lost in them and never find his way back out.
"Well, let's get to your kitchen then, I'll make us something tasty!" He boasted, already seeming full of energy to start his day, even without breakfast. China slid off the Russian's chest when he sat up and found himself deep in thought again, not really paying much attention to what Russia was telling him.

As Russia noticed China just kneeling on his bed and spacing out again, he decided to take matters into his own hands. It only took the absolute mountain of a man one smooth movement to scoop his much smaller partner up in his arms and start walking to the kitchen. The noise of surprise and protests about his indecent state, only a pair of boxers, went largely ignored. What could he say, Russia was hungry and China didn't reject his offer to make him pancakes, so off to the kitchen they went...

The morning got better after the initial awkwardness between them and as they ate the possibility of a first date happening soon came up. Safe to say, Russia needed a lot of patience and to hold back his laughter at China's sputtering and embarrassed at his blunt and straight forward nature more than once.
Meanwhile China's pulse was probably through the roof and his face redder than ever before as Russia openly talked and complimented him.

He just wasn't used to someone telling him he had a great ass in the shorts he slept in…

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