🇵🇭(ML)&🇰🇵 Brother North Korea & Martial Law

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So you did motivate me a bit (a lot) more than I myself expected... and now I wrote this in one sitting in a few hours.
Requested by: will_akio Thanks for the request and your kind words!
There is no ship in here.

I want to say before you start reading, I didn't do a ton of research, I read a bit on Wikipedia, skimmed some stuff and called it a day.
I am in no way shape or form properly educated about Philipino or Korean history, so please excuse any inaccuracies!

I also kind of twisted the way North Korea describes historical events. I wanted to make it clear that he was heavily influenced by the Soviet Union, heard one side of the story and believed it.

That being said, have fun reading!

Words: 1730

The air in the hallway was fresh and a nice wind flowed through, like the arriving people. It was a big meeting of all communist countries to discuss further action in conflicts with the capitalists, more specifically the US-Americans. Hundreds of high ranking officials were present, from Chinese, to Soviet, to east German, even Cuban and many more. The countries themselves would arrive on sight shortly and everything had to be prepared. Last finishing touches were done, the grand hall was being prepared for the welcoming party and speech the Soviet Union himself would give once everyone was settled in.

The minutes ticked away, officials were seated at their respective tables and the first actual countries arrived. They had their own short get together before the actual opening of the conference, some had never met each other before and were being introduced to one another. For North Korea, this was a whirlwind of faces and voices.

He was quite isolated back home and hadn't met most of the attendees, so Soviet kept him glued to his side and introduced him to everyone he greeted. North already didn't remember half the flags he'd seen today and the week-long conference hadn't even started.

One man however stood out to him. He was with his brother, that was obvious at first sight. They shared a flag, a white triangle on the right side of their faces, a sort of sun in its middle and three stars, one in each corner. The rest of their faces were split horizontally into a dark shade of blue and red. The only difference was that they were swapped. The one that piqued his interest had red on the top and blue on the bottom, Soviet called him Martial Law. His brother, Philippines, he had heard of him, had the dark blue on top and red at the bottom, he seemed reserved, as if he were unsure if he belonged here.

North didn't like to be surrounded by people like that, pushovers, weaklings in his mind. He associated himself with people like Martial Law, sure of themselves, confident, for him they were strong and trustworthy comrades.
Martial had this aura about him, it was fascinating, like it pulled North toward him and made him listen intently on what the other was saying. Even Soviet noticed the shift in his behavior, North had rather strong beliefs and was not afraid to voice his thoughts in front of whoever and now he was all ears for Martial Law...

"Martial Law, North Korea we'll leave you two be." All three men's attention turned to him when he spoke up.
"Philippines come with me. I'll introduce you to East Germany, she's also rather reserved at meetings like this. I'm certain she'll make sure you know your way around here by the end of the week." He finished and just started walking deeper into the building. Philippines glanced at Martial Law, a bit uncertain, but a simple nod from his brother in Soviet's direction made him hurry after the man.

North was startled and his head snapped back to Martial Law as a low growl erupted from the back of his throat. Any trace of a professional, neutral expression was wiped off his face and replaced with furrowed brows and bared teeth as a deep scowl etched itself into his face.

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