🇦🇹&🇭🇺&🇩🇪 Family... Austria & Hungary & Germany

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Damn I made you wait for this one didn't I?
Just wanted to say it up front, just the story alone has 4530 words...
Pain... in my everything...
But good pain!
Please leave some comments on this I need something to laugh and be happy about... motivation you know?

So this is the 2000 reads special, while we are at over 2300 already, I know, I know don't be mad, please!
I had to scrap the first one and have a handwritten mini story at the end for you!

So, thank all of you for over 2000 reads! These numbers are actually insane and I'm loving it!

I shall now present to you, a mixture of slice of life, fluff, angst, hurt-comfort, trauma and everything fun I could think of... it just suddenly happened.

Also I did absolutely zero research on this, only checked the stuff I knew about Hungary to not embarass myself completely...

To the lovely person that requested a while ago, I'm getting there now, it's gonna be the next chapter in here, so it won't take too long anymore. If nothing tries to kill me in the meantime it should be out till June 31.

Have fun reading and a nice day/night!
Words: 4776

The hours just ticked by, feeling like drawn out days and mere seconds simultaneously. Germany and Hungary sat in a small room, silence surrounding them. It was a single bed hospital room with only one chair available, so Germany opted to sit on the broad windowsill instead. It was unthinkable for him to demand Hungary move from Austria's side right now. He was only his nephew, not his brother. Austria was still unconscious, just laying there on his back, unmoving.

His hair spread out around his head like a flaming red and white halo on the faint blue sheets.

Hungary's eyes were glued to his brother's face, hoping for any sort of even minimal own movement from the other. But his head only slightly dipped to whatever direction Hungary was stroking his hair in at the moment. It was a nervous and impatient silence. Hungary just kept himself busy with braiding the smaller white sections in the front of Austria's hair and stroking over his bruised cheek.

They had wiped the blood from his face with a wet washcloth when they got there a few hours ago.
Germany had unpacked the suitcase full of clothes they had brought for Austria to keep himself busy at first, meticulously reorganising and folding every piece of clothing at least three times over before settling down on the windowsill and waiting with Hungary.

Hungary had arrived before him, as he directly drove to the hospital in Vienna and Germany had a longer commute and made a trip to his uncle's house to get him the necessities first. When he entered the room, Hungary flinched up to look at him and then went straight back to mumbling something to Austria.

He didn't really like the German, they both knew it. Austria always said it stemmed from an old rivalry between him and the Third Reich for their parents' attention.
But his similarities to his father and the flag his uncle had before him played a role too, Austria couldn't convince him otherwise.

Now both of them were sitting here, in silence, worried for their relative. Hungary was raised with Austria and Austria raised Germany, yet Germany and Hungary didn't act related at all. They were nephew and uncle too, just never clicked.

Germany glanced out the window, night had fallen over Vienna, the city was a beautiful creation of history and right now kept things running smoothly while Austria can't. As were Berlin and Budapest while the two were here, waiting for Austria to wake up.
The German's gaze flickered from the window to his uncles every few seconds. Hungary seemed to have sensed his unease and sighted as he lifted his upper body from leaning on the bed and spoke up.

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