🇷🇺x🇩🇪 Chasing after him Russian Empire x German Empire

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Hello lovely Internet strangers!
Wow this took me a while and is the longest story I have done in a while, I think? Is it?

It is the soulmate story idea I mentioned in the last chapter, so allow me explain a bit about this world.

- Soulmates have a sort of connection to one another. It enables them to feel one another's emotions, sensation on their body (like touch, or pain) and generally connected to the other. It is very important and useful.

- Everyone receives a compass with an extra needle-thingy on it that shows where the soulmate is.
This needle only ever moves very slightly when the soulmate is far away, but the nearer the soulmate gets, the more the needle moves.
If the soulmate is very very close it starts glowing in the other's eye colour.

- A minor, but if this does end up being more than a oneshot, which it most likely will, detail is that it is frowned upon to have children with anyone, but your soulmate and if you then end up raising them alone you are, to put it simply, fucked.

Due to the rates of people actually finding their Soulmates being increasingly low relationships and having children with a partner is mostly accepted.
Gotta somehow keep the birthrate up...

I think that's all? If there is any questions please don't hesitate to ask, I'll gladly reply and try to clear up any confusion.
Let me know if you like this and would like to see more, possibly even other ships in this world and which ones.
I will interpret silence as a go ahead...

Now please have fun reading and a good day/night!

Words: 2789

It was a busy Friday afternoon, rush hour made everything crowded, especially the big train station Russian Empire was at right now. People were brushing past him left and right, it was hard remaining stationary while he waited for his train to arrive. His company was sending him as a representative to a five day long conference in London, England.

He'd hired a nanny for his two sons, the twins were only ten years old after all and therefore far too young to take care of themselves and their small apartment. The bonus this trip would pay him covers the cost for the nanny to stay the five days and around one month of rent, so it was worth it.

He didn't have all that much with him at the moment, only a small suitcase with a few good shirts and his two best suits. All papers and materials he needed are being shipped over to London right now and would already be in his hotel room when he arrives.

The shrill whistle of a departing train ripped him out of his thoughts and made him look around a bit panicked for a second or two. Then he spotted one of the big clocks, it displayed the time half past five. Had he really stood here and been lost in his thoughts for ten whole minutes?
No, that couldn't be right. He reached into his suit's inner pocket to fish out his pocket watch and double check the time, but instead of the small watch, he accidentally fished out his compass and flipped it open.

He sighted at his own mistake and was just about to close the magical instrument and put it away, when a slight movement of the delicate needle pointing him to his soulmate caught his eye. He brought it closer to his face as best as he could with the masses of moving strangers around him and observed the small needle closely. It should only move if his soulmate was really close by, in that case, he had to hurry to find him, or he might never get another chance. For a while nothing happened and disappointment set in, but as he was about to look away and pocket the compass again the needle moved. He stared at it, wide eyed and mouth slightly ajar. The needle was moving!

A slow movement to his left, his soulmate was walking from east to north, with the angle and radius the compass' reactions typically had, that could only mean one thing.
His soulmate is here. In this train station. On this same platform as he is. He just had to find him. And so he turned and started looking in the direction the compass was showing him. He could feel it in himself, the bond he and his soulmate had got stronger, like an invisible pull into the crowds of strangers to find his stranger. He decided to stay put and focus on everything he could feel within the connection they had in hopes of finding something, anything besides the compass and invisibile pull to help him make out his soulmate in the avalanches of people.

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