🇰🇵x🇨🇦 Night out with a friend North Korea x Canada

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Damn this one took me quite a few hours to write, but it was very fun and great practice.
It was requested by: philipines_maharlika
Thank you very much for the request!
The next chapter will be for the 2k reads and I'll make it a hurt-comfort chapter, we need more of those here honestly, someone slap the writer for that...

Also the 2k chapter will most likely be a but late as I am starting it just now and we are already at 1.97k, that is incredible, thank you all so much for that!

I don't think I have a lot of other stuff to say...
After the 2k chapter there's gonna be a chapter with, quite ironically looking at this one to be honest, Canada x Mexico, as it was requested by another kind Internet stranger on here.

Have fun really and a nice day/night!
Words: 3019

The sound of footsteps and an ongoing conversation diverted North's attention from the television. He was just watching the news and nothing really happened anyways so this was a welcome distraction. Canada was on the phone to someone as he skipped down the stairs, all dressed up as if he were going out, on a Friday afternoon.

"Alright I'll see you there man. Bye!" He ended the phone call and put his phone in his pocket, before turning his back to North and checking his hair in the small mirror in their hallway. North just stood up and made his way over to the Canadian.
"Who was that on the phone? And where do you think you're going without me?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around the taller man's waist and nuzzled his neck. Sharp, slim eyes barely spying over his shoulder and watching his boyfriend's every move in the mirror.

"Mexico just called, he had a reservation at a restaurant, but his date canceled at the last minute, so he asked if I wanted to come with him so that the money he spent on it already wouldn't go to waste." Canada chirped. He enjoyed it whenever North showed him affection in these little moments. So naturally he tilted his head slightly to the left to give him better access to his neck while he fixed the last strands of unruly red and white hair in place with a few rose golden Bobby pins.

For a split second, North's eyes widened and the round pupils turned to black slits in a sea of deep reds and blues, then a grim look darkened his eyes and knit his eyebrows together in a frown. He tightened his hold on Canada's waist and slightly nipped at the tender flesh of the other's juncture between neck and shoulder, sharp canines scraping the soft skin. Canada twitched at the jolt of discomfort from his neck, pulled up his shoulders and looked at North through the mirror. A wave of annoyance visibly washed over his features when he noticed the nip wasn't an accident, but a clear protest of his plans to enjoy the night with Mexico.

"We have been over this." The previously light tone and atmosphere were gone, replaced by a stern tone and uncomfortable tension, about to snap at any wrong word.
"We have... and I thought I wouldn't have to tell you that I don't want him near you again." North growled into his shoulder and then added on, "Especially not alone on what is basically a date!"
Canada groaned, already over this useless argument and fed up that this ruined his good mood.
"And I told you to get over your trust issues with Mexico! He's been my friend for as long as I can remember and you disliked him from the start just because you can... I'm sick of it!" He argued back, leaning his hands on the little side table in front of him.
"It's also not a date! Why do you have to question my loyalty to you every time I go out with him? What do you think I see in him, huh? A potential fuck buddy? You think his dick would be so much better than yours that I'd throw what we have out and kick you to the curb?" He ranted, just airing out his frustration with the repetitive argument he found himself in yet again.
"No I don't!" North almost shouted right next to Canada's ear, making him flinch from the volume and toning it down a bit.
"I'm not questioning you, I'm questioning him! That little rat always finds a way to get himself involved in our relationship and I don't like it!" That was the final straw. Canada pushed himself off the desk and so managed to loosen North's grip on him enough to turn around and face the shorter man.

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