🇷🇺x🇺🇸 Listen to the rain Russia x USA

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I'm back... and very late I'm sorry. There is some personal stuff going on in my life right now and it is mild chaos, but it's okay I'll manage!

I am also thinking about discontinuing "Our love will last forever" and starting a new book about GE and RE that I have been planing since way before I even started the other one... not sure yet tho...

Not even sure I'd write it in English or German yet...

If I do make a decision I'll let you know! It is even completely planned out already, I'm just unsure if I can commit to it, or not...

But that's not what you're here for is it? No.

Also do not start a Schnitzel debate in the comments, they are great and I know they are from Austria, still this is set in Germany. So it is a German Schnitzel, served in a German way okay? Leave me be and refer to it as German food here.

Alright now that that's out of the way and I don't need to worry about being attacked by Austrians (if any even see this that is) in the comments, have fun reading and enjoy!

Words: 1642

Normally there would have been sunshine and clear skies at this time of the year. This year however, the weather had apparently thought fuck everyone here and constantly made it rain.
Coincidentally this was America and Canada's first year in their new home. Russia had organised everything and got them to Europe faster than expected. Now they were here, just arrived at the airport an hour ago and driving towards their new home.
Both Americans were busy admiring the landscape and old villages they were passing through. The driver didn't feel the need to make conversation and just listened to the radio, so the ride was otherwise silent.
It took about two hours to get to their destination, an old castle on a hill in the middle of a dense forest. A huge and complex building, showing off its full glory as they got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.
"Brother look! It's just like in the fairytales you told me about!" Canada exclaimed and tugged on his arm to make him walk faster.
"Well those fairytales are from here, so maybe you'll end up finding a good queen inside?"

The staff helped them with their luggage and led them inside. Russia was apparently busy in his office, something about a spontaneous meeting with some managers or something.
"Do you want to rest in your own rooms or wait for him to finish the meeting in the living room nearby?" The young man asked as he led them deeper into the building. Tall stained glass windows adorned the wall to their left, little raindrops began to hit them quietly. America snapped out of his state of adoration for both the art and joy Canada openly showed as he bounced from one wall to the other. Inspecting the intricate details in the stone and glass.
"I think the living room would be enough for now. I want to see Russia as fast as possible and really don't feel like unpacking all our stuff right now..." He hurriedly answered, gingerly adding the last part too quiet for his brother to hear.
"As you wish sir."
And with that the man led them to a sizable, but still cozy living room. A few paintings and shelves decorated the walls. A plush, old looking couch and two armchairs stood in front of a big fireplace on the left wall, a small coffee table and fluffy rug in the middle. The big bay window opposite the door was the cherry on top and immediately drew Canada's full attention. He basically sprinted over and settled onto the windowsill as he looked out over the forest and into the garden. America followed his little brother while the man went and lit the fireplace to heat the room. The view was truly beautiful, delicate flower beds with big old trees planted there, the wild forest, little stone walls and decorations, old pathways, even a big pool. The servant was quiet as he put out three glasses, a pitcher of water and a bowl of sweets from one of the cabinets and then left them to wait for Russia.

It took forever for his meeting to wrap up and enable him to leave. When he finally did, he grabbed the rose bouquet for America and a gift box for his little brother, then almost stumbled twice on his way over to the living room he was told his lover and Canada would be waiting in. He entered without a sound, a popular habit in his family, and found both Americans settled on the broad windowsill, watching and listening to the pouring rain. Having a race between the raindrops on the window and cheering for their drop to pass the slim wooden divider in the glass first. It seemed the winner got to have a snack as Canada began to cheer as he grabbed a sweet and America groaned and laid his head in his hands dramatically. Russia wrapped an arm around his waist from behind and gave him a short kiss when he got startled and whipped his head around. Then he showed him the bouquet and chuckled quietly.
"You know, you might have lost the race, but I still got something for you." To say he turned as red as the roses held in front of his face was an understatement, in a cartoon, his ears would have surely been smoking now.
"What about me!? I won! Do I get a price too?" Canada interrupted their moment and drew Russia's attention to himself. Ame wasn't mad, it gave him a moment to calm down and process what was happening.
"How about you check the table champ?" Russia nodded in the direction of the fireplace, he had placed the gift box down there. Canada immediately jumped up and ran to open it, gifts were rare for him after all.
"Thank you..." America whispered and placed a gentle kiss on Russia's cheek as he took the bouquet to inspect it closely. The Russian just smiled dumbly as he laid his head on the other's shoulder and wrapped his other arm around him. They fell into a comfortable silence as they watched the rain fall and trickle down the window, it was a beautiful moment even if it was short lived as Canada's joyous exclamations over his new firetruck interrupted it for a while. The small debate between the brothers whether the flowers or firetruck were the better gift was something Russia cherished and looked forward to in their shared future.

They stayed for another hour or so. Russia sat in one of the armchairs in front of the fireplace, America curled up on his lap and leaned against his chest, half asleep from the strain the long travel had put on him. Meanwhile Canada was playing with the firetruck all over the roomor pestering Russia with question after question about when they could get into the pool and play in the big garden.

A maid luckily saved him from these questions when she brought their dinner and gave Canada something new to question: What the hell is Schnitzel? Why does it taste so good? Why did he never have this before? Why were there actually little chunks of potatoes left in his mashed potatoes? And many more...

Russia tried his best to explain German food and how it's made to Canada, who just asked more and more questions would always be far more entertaining to America than the movies he watched during their flight.

Afterwards Russia offered for them to come up to his room and listen to the rain for a bit, as it was louder and clearer there. They accepted and made their way there through many more long hallways and big arches and doors, up an ungodly amount of stairs and around a few more corners. Then he unlocked the old wooden door and opened it for Canada to rush in and explore his room. He let Ame walk in before him and then followed suit, closing the door and locking it behind them.

"I never thought the rain would be this loud up here." America wondered out loud. He now laid comfortably on Russia's chest as they listened to the heavy rain falling.
"We're directly under the roof. It's the loudest here." Russia explained. He was quite content with his arms full of his boyfriend and just let his hands roam and scratch over the other's back.
"Why is it even still raining? It's supposed to be summer, not winter..." Canada piped up beside them, he had waited ages for it to become summer so he would be allowed to play outside without a thick jacket again. Now it was summer, even colder and it rained nonstop.
They chuckled at Canada's impatience, although Russia understood his frustration. Back when he was still a kid, he'd be just as impatient and insisting on getting outside as the young Canadian was now.
"Canada... this is the first night we even spend here, you haven't even seen everything yet. The garden can wait till it's warmer and you know your way around the castle." America gently scolded him, really it was just to stir him away from the topic of the garden. He will have to wait till it's warmer anyway and dry, to nit get sick.
Canada let out an exaggerated groan and rolled over onto his stomach, face now hidden in a bunch of pillows and stuffed animals. His brother just chuckled at his antics and laid back down as he enjoyed his lover's attention and the sound of pouring rain hitting the roof.

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