🇩🇪&🇨🇵 Keeping your composure German Empire & France

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Oh boy, this will be long...
Hello my dear Internet strangers! How are you doing?

I present to you, an idea that has come to me about a week ago in the middle of the night, so I wrote it down and here it is!
Just to clarify, these two are in their own world and in no way connected to any other oneshot here.

Now for the other thing I wanted to talk to you about, that some already know, but most don't.
I was convinced to to a sort of "ask and dare chapter" and have made a post about it already. I still take questions and dares and will put the exact post with what I'll do at the end of this chapter, so you can get to reading the story first and then maybe leave a comment or two with ideas or questions!

I you want to see what responses I already got you can check out the post on my profile!

Now have a nice day/night!

Words: 1809 (only about 1100 of story tho)

We'll leave you alone for the time being. Use it to get to know each other, you'll spend most of your days and nights together from now on anyway..."

It was the last thing her father told them both before they were left alone. She was left alone with a stranger she was supposed to marry in a week...
What would she tell Britain? They had been seeing each other behind their parents' backs and built a relationship, a hope for a better, loving future and now...
Now she was sitting here, with a total stranger that was now her fiancé and didn't say a word about the whole thing. She was feeling queasy, as if the plush couch was starting to wobble and swallow her whole, she wasn't completely against the idea tho...

The man she'd just been introduced to, German Empire, quickly stood up from beside her. It was one swift, fluent motion and he towered there beside her in just a second. But she just seemed to be invisible to him as he quietly made his way over to the tall windows and stared out into the gray skies, all hopeful blue and shining sun covered by heavy rain clouds.

She sat there in silence, he ignored her existence. How could her father do this to her, did that man pay him for that? Did his parents pay for this? Maybe even her own parents?

Her confusion slowly simmered down to a hateful rage that threatened to boil and spill over any second. Who was this guy, who did he think he was? To just act like this did not bother him in the slightest and make her feel like her emotions were invalid, unnecessary...

How dare he stand there and mock her feelings and love...

For him though, this was to be expected. He knew his parents would be the ones to pick his wife and their decision would be final, no use arguing. So when they told him he'd meet the one they chose today and to look his best, he wasn't surprised in the slightest.

Years of discipline and harsh punishments had taught him obedience was simply easier than to put up a fight. One could even say he had learned to just go with what his parents wanted and keep his opinions and feelings to himself.

Getting a wife chosen for him didn't exactly bother him much. He wasn't interested in having a partner, he'd just try to befriend her and live his life as he had before.

The topic of an offspring could be handled professionally as well, no need to make a big deal out of it. He'd just do what she liked and hope for the best, fate would determine the rest...

"Where do you want to hold the celebrations for our... Union?" He turned towards her and asked in an attempt to lessen the growing silent tension in the room. She, France as he had been told, seemed none too pleased with their parents' decision. Her head snapped up and she looked stunned for a second, then furious.

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