hang out

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Liked by graciephil_, reneérapp, and 12k others

Harperspie @reneerapp I had a blast hanging with you 🫶



Liked by harperspie, reneérappsource, and 16m others

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Liked by harperspie, reneérappsource, and 16m others

reneerapp I had a blast with you today @harperspie



Renee and Harper walked towards Harper's apartment door, other than Saraphine, Gracie, and her mother, no one knew where Harper lived. And she knew a lot of people. So, let's just say Reneé is one of the special ones because she knows Harper's address.

"I had a lot of fun today, Reneé." Harper says. Reneé smiles as she waits.

"Well, I'm happy you enjoyed it," Renee watches as Harper unlocks her door. "Thank you for letting me know where you live."

"Don't stalk me now." Harper chuckles.

"No, never," Renee laughs as she smiles as the girl.

Harper steps inside of the apartment door, "I actually really did have a great time today reneé, you're not so bad" She smirks, "Well, I should head to bed."

Reneé smiles, "Well, I'm happy I'm not so bad," She then looked from both Harper's eyes to her lips as the brunette gulped. "I should get going."

"Yeah, you should.." Harper bit her lip, "Call me tomorrow, so we can talk more.."

Reneé nods immediately, slowly leaning in, "Yeah, totally."

Before the two girls could kiss, Harper thought about it. Maybe she shouldn't, she wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to start a relationship after what happened with her ex boyfriend. So, she pulled back. Reneé was a little confused, but she decided to back off.

Harper sighs as she steps farther inside of her house and grabbed the edge of the front door, "I'll talk to you later, Renee. Night."

Reneé just let out a sad smile and nodded, "Yeah," She says, "Okay, Uh..talk to you later, Harper."

Harper watches as Reneé walked down the apartment hallways and she closed the door. She sighed, pulling the hoodie she was wearing up from her body and grabbed her bump.

"We got ourselves into this, litle buddy." She says to her baby as she walks to her bedroom.

Two girls, one mistake| Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now