Baby shower

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Harper was rubbing her belly as she looked on her Instagram, looking at photos from when she was with Renée. She sighed sadly when she felt someone grab her phone, and she gasped. Saraphine stood over her, holding her phone and giving her a stern look.

"Are you serious? Harper, this isn't healthy," Sara told the pregnant girl.

"Ugh, go away," Harper said, rolling her eyes and huffing.

Saraphine rolled her eyes. Harper had been the one to say 'fuck the blondes' and all that, but she was still clearly hung up on Renée. Although, lately she had been going out with Kevin, but only for the sake of her baby, of course. Today was her baby shower, and Saraphine didn't want her to be sad because this would probably be her last one, to be honest.

"Today is your baby shower," Saraphine told her, pulling the artist off the couch and leading her to the kitchen where Gracie was.

"I don't care, the baby won't even remember it," Harper frowned as she waddled behind Sara.

Saraphine sighed. Gracie then moved from licking the cake and walked towards her client. "What can we do to make you excited about this?"

"Call Renée," Harper answered.

"Other than that," Gracie said.

"Then nothing," Harper answered again.

Gracie looked at Harper with an annoyed expression before shaking her head and turning to Saraphine. "Wow, she's stubborn," she commented before returning to decorating the cake.

Saraphine pleaded with Harper, "Harper, at least try to be happy, please." Harper forced a wide, fake smile. "Thank you," Saraphine responded, though she could sense her friend's lack of genuine enthusiasm.


The baby shower was, for the most part, fun. However, the actual pregnant woman found herself in a corner of her apartment, sipping on a juice box as she watched people socialize. She reached out for a cupcake and was about to take a bite when someone snatched it from her hand.

"Aunt May," Harper whined, and her aunt shook her head as she returned the cupcake.

"No sugar, it's bad for the baby," her aunt told her, and Harper let out a sigh.

"No, it isn't, Aunt May," Harper retorted, pushing her hair back in frustration.

"Very much is," Aunt May continued, and Harper gave up.

"Okay, everybody! Time to open presents," Saraphine announced, waving Harper over to the couch. Gracie grabbed a pink bassinet and sat down.

Harper waddled to the couch and carefully sat down. "Okay, first present by Mya," Gracie said, handing it to Harper.

Harper dug into the bag and pulled out a pack of pacifiers, followed by a breast pump and then a onesie. She smiled for a moment, but her smile faded as she turned the onesie around. It said 'Mommy's Angel,' and Harper started crying as she thought about Snow Angel.

Saraphine sighed and turned to Gracie. "Go get the phone," she said, and Gracie nodded, moving towards her crying friend.


im having terrible writers block. but i wanted to post a chapter so. also im ending this book soon.

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