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goodtitsbigheart she's okay!!



@harperspie posted a story

@harperspie posted a story

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Harper lay in the hospital bed, her hand gently caressing her belly, while Saraphine remained by her side, holding her hand in a comforting grip. Reneé sat on one of the chairs in the room, her eyes filled with concern and support. The new day had arrived, but the weight of Harper's condition weighed heavily on their minds.

Dr. Greene, the attending physician, entered the room, his expression serious yet compassionate. He approached Harper's bedside and addressed her directly, delivering the news about her health.

"Ms. Stirling, it seems your blood pressure was really high," Dr. Greene explained, his voice laced with concern. "Given the circumstances, it's important that we consider your well-being and the well-being of your baby. It's recommended that you be on bed rest for the time being."

Harper's heart sank at the realization that her art show, scheduled for 6 pm that evening, might not be a possibility. She exchanged a glance with Saraphine, silently conveying her disappointment and frustration.

Reneé, sensing the weight of the situation, spoke up with a gentle yet supportive tone. "Harper, your health and the baby's health are the most important things right now. Your art show can wait. We'll find a way to make it up to you when the time is right."

Harper raised her hand and turned towards Dr. Greene, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. She needed to know the duration of the bed rest prescribed to her.

"Wait," Harper said, her voice filled with anticipation. "How long?"

Dr. Greene paused for a moment, assessing Harper's condition and weighing the options. Then, he responded, crossing his arms in front of him.

"Just two weeks," Dr. Greene answered, his tone gentle yet firm. "Can you do that?"

Harper sighed, a mixture of relief and resignation in her response. She understood the importance of following the doctor's recommendations and the potential consequences of not prioritizing her health and the well-being of her baby.

She nodded, her determination resurfacing. "Yes, I can do that." 

Two girls, one mistake| Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now