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Liked by silverlininglover, reneerapp, and 234, 190, 457 others

harperspie going to renee's concert



Harper stood inside Saraphine's room, putting the finishing touches on her makeup and hair. Excitement filled the air as she prepared for the event. Reneé had given Harper free tickets, and she had decided to bring Saraphine along. Not only was Saraphine a fan of Reneé, having been captivated by her talent since the release of "Snow Angel," but she was also there to lend a helping hand to Harper, who was very short and heavily pregnant and could get lost in a crowd easily.

"Looking gorgeous, Harper," Saraphine complimented, her voice filled with warmth and support.

Harper smiled, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. "Thanks, Sara." She finished pulling the skirt she was wearing up and sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Saraphine let out a giggle, her frizzy hair bouncing as she settled on her bed, ready for some girl talk. "So, you totally have to tell me about your first time with Reneé," she urged, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Harper paused for a moment, a hint of a blush spreading across her cheeks. She finished applying her lip gloss before turning to face Saraphine. "Well, it was... different," she admitted with a shrug. "After all, it was my first time being intimate with a woman. But Reneé was amazing. She made sure I was comfortable, that I felt good. And, oh my God, I love her so much," she gushed, a dreamy smile playing on her lips.

Saraphine leaned back, her expression filled with delight. "I've never seen you like this before, Harper. Girl, you're glowing," she remarked, her voice laced with warmth and support.

Harper's eyes widened, and she touched her face, feeling a mix of surprise and happiness. She turned to the mirror, studying her reflection. "Really?" she asked, a touch of uncertainty in her voice. "You sure it's not just the pregnancy glow?"

Saraphine chuckled, shaking her head. "Trust me, Harper. I've seen enough pregnancy glows to know the difference. This is something else. It's the glow of love, pure and simple. You and Reneé have something truly special, and it's radiating from you."

Harper's uncertainty melted away, replaced by a sense of contentment and gratitude.


just so no one's confused, Harper is about 28 weeks now and it's like November by now. 

Two girls, one mistake| Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now