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reneerapp snow angel out now



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harperspie 4 more days til I'm off bed rest!!



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futuremilf I have a girlfriend 😊


Harpers POV(narrative)

Harper sat comfortably on the couch, engrossed in her book, her exposed belly gently being rubbed as she enjoyed a quiet moment of relaxation. Meanwhile, Reneé sat nearby, scrolling through her Instagram notifications. She just got done listening to Reneé's album and she was so proud of her girlfriend, wow. That really had a ring to it.

As Reneé approached, she playfully snatched the book out of Harper's hands, causing her to look up with a mix of surprise and amusement. Reneé swiftly flipped through the pages until she found something that caught her attention.

"Did you know, the more into pregnancy you get, the more your fingers get bigger?" Reneé read aloud, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she raised an eyebrow in question.

Harper's eyes widened with curiosity, her body shifting slightly as she sat up, intrigued by the unexpected revelation. She reached out to grab the book back, eager to explore this newfound knowledge, only to be met with disappointment.

As Harper quickly skimmed through the page that Reneé had read from, she realized that there was no mention of fingers swelling during pregnancy. She couldn't help but let out a playful groan of frustration.

"God! Don't do that," Harper exclaimed, a playful pout forming on her lips. She tossed the book in Reneé's direction, her aim deliberately off as it landed harmlessly beside her.

Reneé laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she caught the book. "Hey!" she responded, a playful tone in her voice. She set the book aside and moved closer to Harper, her fingers gently tracing patterns on Harper's arm.

"I couldn't resist," Reneé admitted, her voice filled with affection. "But hey, at least I got a reaction out of you."

Harper couldn't help but smile, but she tried to stay annoyed. "God, you're so annoying. I hate you,"

Reneé, undeterred by Harper's words, responded with a knowing smile. "You love me," she stated confidently, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Before Harper could respond, Reneé leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. Harper's surprise quickly morphed into a reciprocated affection as she melted into the embrace, her love for Reneé shining through.

"Yeah," Harper whispered against Reneé's lips, her voice filled with sincerity. "I love you."

Their lips met once again, sealing their love with a shared kiss. In the midst of their tender moment, a gentle kick from Harper's belly caught their attention. They broke the kiss and looked at each other, their eyes brimming with wonder and joy.

The realization settled between them, a shared understanding that their unborn child was already a part of their love story. Harper's hand instinctively moved to her belly, feeling the gentle movement beneath her touch.

"I guess the baby loves you too," Harper said with a soft chuckle, her voice filled with awe and tenderness.


just a little bit of fluff for the next couple of chapters. also we're on chapter 10!!

also what should the gender of Harper's baby be?

Two girls, one mistake| Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now