i want you

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Harper held onto Reneé's hand tightly as she walked into her room and settled on her bed, feeling a mix of gratitude and warmth for the blonde's unwavering support. As she got comfortable under the covers, she contemplated the idea of Reneé staying with her during the two-week period of bed rest.

"You know," Harper sighed, her gaze fixed on Reneé, "you don't have to be here. I'll be fine on my own."

Reneé laughed gently, her amusement evident as she moved closer and placed her hand on Harper's belly. The touch brought a wave of comfort and connection between them.

"Are you kidding?" Reneé replied, her voice filled with affection. "I don't have a concert scheduled for the next two weeks. Why wouldn't I want to spend that time with my favorite person?"

Harper's blush deepened at Reneé's words, a mix of surprise and delight flooding her. It was overwhelming to think that someone she had known for only two months already held such an esteemed place in her heart.

"You... you consider me your favorite person?" Harper stammered, her expression a mix of astonishment and joy. 

Reneé's smile widened, her eyes reflecting a playful glimmer. "Why wouldn't I?"

Harper chuckled in response, appreciating Reneé's willingness to stay by her side. "I guess you have a point. Well, if you're going to be here, you have to at least sing me a song from your album every night," she playfully requested, knowing that Reneé's voice had the power to soothe her and bring her comfort.

Reneé raised an eyebrow at the unexpected request, momentarily taken aback. However, she sighed and nodded, understanding Harper's desire for a touch of music during their time together. She gently took hold of Harper's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"That's a bit of a weird request, but okay," Reneé chuckled warmly. "I suppose I can sing to you."

Harper's gasp filled the room, instantly capturing Reneé's attention. Concern filled the blonde's eyes as she turned toward Harper, ready to provide comfort or assistance if needed. However, Harper shook her head gently, reassuring Reneé that everything was okay.

As Reneé watched, her worry gradually subsided, replaced by curiosity and anticipation. She felt Harper's hand firmly grasp her own, guiding her to a specific spot on her belly. Uncertain of what to expect, Reneé placed her hand where Harper directed, her touch gentle and full of tenderness.

And then it happened.

A sudden kick, a tiny movement beneath Reneé's hand, startled her. The sensation radiated through her fingers, causing her eyes to widen in awe. It was a magical moment, a tangible connection to the new life growing inside Harper's womb.

Reneé looked up at Harper, her expression a mix of wonder and joy. Harper's smile was radiant, tears of happiness glistening in her eyes. It was a profound and overwhelming experience, a reminder of the miracle unfolding within them.

"Oh my goodness," Reneé whispered, her voice filled with awe. "That was... incredible."

Harper nodded, her voice filled with emotion. "That's my baby, reneé. God, I'm gonna love you forever little one."  

┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊

Harper sat in her bed alone, a canvas on her lap as she painted something to clear her mind so she wouldn't be bored while Reneé grabbed them breakfast. She was so sick and tired of being in this bed, it's only been 6 days and she was already tired of it. 

"I'm back! Hope you like bagels," Reneé's voice rang through the room, instantly drawing Harper's attention. The mention of bagels brought a wide smile to her face, as Reneé seemed to have an uncanny ability to understand her preferences.

Reneé entered the room, her smile radiant and infectious. Harper couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth and gratitude for having someone like Reneé in her life. They had shared so many meaningful moments already, and this simple act of bringing her favorite breakfast treat spoke volumes about the depth of their connection.

Harper carefully set the canvas aside, eager to indulge in the bagel that Reneé had brought. She reached for the bag, her fingers brushing against the soft texture, and pulled out a delectable bagel. With a small knife, she spread a generous layer of butter onto the warm surface, reveling in the simple pleasure of the moment.

Reneé settled down beside Harper, their closeness filling the room with an undeniable sense of comfort and companionship. Harper took a satisfying bite of the bagel, savoring the familiar taste that brought her so much joy.

"God, I love you." Harper said between bites, her voice filled with appreciation. Reneé raised her eyebrow as she looked at the artist. 

"Are you talking to the bagel or me..." Reneé trailed off, letting the question hang in the air.

Harper paused, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She took a moment to savor another bite of the bagel, relishing the taste before finally responding.

"Do you want me to answer that?" she replied, her voice laced with a playful tone.

Reneé chuckled, her eyes sparkling with affection. She leaned closer to Harper, her voice filled with warmth.

"You're talking about the bagel." Reneé nodded her head as she looked down and went to grab the canvas but then, in a sudden twist, Harper surprised Reneé by setting aside the bagel and leaning in to grab Reneé's face, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Reneé's eyes widened in surprise, her initial confusion giving way to a surge of warmth and desire. She melted into the kiss, her hands instinctively finding their place on Harper's waist, drawing her closer.

Harper gasped before she pulled away from Reneé, "I'm sorry.." She was about to sit back again grabbing her bump bReneé's actions took her by surprise once again. Reneé, sensing Harper's unease, reached out and firmly grasped her face, pulling her into yet another passionate kiss.

The initial shock quickly gave way to a rush of emotions as Harper found herself once again lost in the intensity of the moment. Her worries melted away as she surrendered to the love and desire that flowed between them. The kiss spoke volumes, conveying a reassurance and understanding that words simply couldn't capture.

"We can't go farther," she whispered, her words tinged with a touch of regret. She gently rubbed Reneé's cheek, her touch laden with tenderness. "But, I like you."

Reneé's lips curled into a knowing smile, her eyes shimmering with affection and understanding. With a sense of playful persistence, she leaned in and kissed Harper once more, their lips meeting in a sweet and lingering connection.

"Hmm, I know," Reneé murmured against Harper's lips, her voice holding a note of certainty. "But date me."

Her words hung in the air, filled with a mix of invitation and anticipation. Reneé's desire to deepen their connection was clear, her affection shining through each touch and embrace.

Harper's heart fluttered, her mind weighing the possibilities and the undeniable chemistry they shared. She took a moment to savor the taste of Reneé's lips before pulling back slightly, her eyes locked with Reneé's.

A smile spread across Harper's face, a blend of excitement and affection. "You know what? I'd love to date you," she replied, her voice laced with warmth.

Two girls, one mistake| Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now