she knows

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The atmosphere was tense, with complete silence enveloping the car. Reneé and Harper sat there, unsure of what to say to each other. Harper knew that Reneé was now aware of the baby situation, so there was no point in denying it any longer.

And she couldn't tell if she was okay with it..or not.

Reneé then took a shaky breath and turned to the artist, saying, "So..."

"So," Harper was extremely scared. She didn't want to lose the singer. Right now, she was beginning to develop genuine feelings for Reneé, feelings that went beyond friendship. However, she would understand if Reneé no longer wanted to see her in that way.

"I want you to know that I never intended for any of this to happen. I was going to tell you," Harper admitted, her voice filled with a mixture of remorse and sincerity. "And I understand if it changes things between us. This situation is complicated, and it's okay if you need time or if you no longer feel the same way about me."

Reneé listened attentively, her expression a mix of emotions. The news of the baby had undoubtedly caught her off guard, and now she had to grapple with her own feelings and decisions. The silence stretched between them, each second feeling like an eternity.

Finally, Reneé reached out and gently took Harper's hand, her touch offering a small glimmer of comfort amidst the uncertainty. "Harper, I won't pretend that this doesn't change things. It's a lot to process, and I need time to figure out how I feel about it all. But I want you to know that I care about you, and that won't change overnight."

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Today marked Harper's 17th week of pregnancy and she was a little excited. Especially since her baby was starting to actually kick now. Reneé hadn't acted awkward around the brunette since she found out about the little Harps, of course she had lots of questions and I mean a lot of questions. 

She liked to come over, ask about Harper's day, ask how the baby was doing. That always made her day.

And Harper couldn't escape Gracie's constant reminders that she's the reason her and Reneé are even talking to each other, though she has to thank her for that seriously.

Harper was driving to the museum to drop off a few of her paintings, she has been anxiety all morning since her next art show was tomorrow night. But, besides all the jitter nerves she was excited to see who would buy her paintings. 

She then got a call from Reneé and she smiled before answering the call and putting it on speaker. "Hi, hun, what are you doing right now?" She asked happily.

"Hey, ray, nothing much just on my way to drop off my paintings." The brunette answered, turning the wheel left with one hand.

"oh, well when you're done wanna hang out?" Reneé asked while she shifted around of which harper could interpret. 

Two girls, one mistake| Reneé RappWhere stories live. Discover now